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The Sword of Ambition By by ʿUthmān ibn Ibrāhīm al-Nābulusī

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AmbitionThe power of patronage and contests in the Sultan’s court. The Sword of Ambition opens an entirely new perspective on the interreligious battles among elites in the middle ages of Egypt. 

Written by a bureaucrat in unemployment ‘Uthman ibn Ibrahim al Nabulusi it includes stories from the past that are not widely known, unusual beliefs about religion as well as witty and obscure poetry, and witty culture satire. With no stone left unturned Al-Nabulusi pours his extensive understanding of the law, history and literature into his book, addressed to the Ayyubid Sultan as he defends the use in the hands of Coptic or Jewish officials.

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Ambition – The book was written at a time where most of the conflict between communities of the time was driven by intense competition for scarce resources, which were being increasingly managed by an religiously determined Sunni Muslim state, The Sword of Ambition reminds us that “religious” conflict must always be viewed from a wider historical context.

Suggested Read:  The Afghanistan File , Islam in Saudi Arabia, Top Seller: Islamic Art by Luca Mozzati, Jewish Morocco, Kingdoms of Faith and Islamic History For Kids: Story of Uhud
A version in English only.

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