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Amazing Facts About Bear The Animal

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Bear The Animal – Bears are mammals that belong to the “Carnivora” category, which also includes wolves, tigers and leopards. Bears are found all over the world, including Antarctica. The scientific name for the bear is Ursidae. Bears are well-known for their intelligence, exceptional memory and great navigation skills. Bears, unlike other mammals, prefer to live alone and are less social than other mammals.

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Bear The Animal – Today’s bears face constant threats to their lives from humans. This is due to two main reasons: illegal trade in body parts such as furs or meats after poaching or hunting, and encroachment on wild habitats. In poor rural areas, bears are increasingly aggressive and often attack and inflict injuries.

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To protect bear habitats, many wildlife conservations laws have been enacted around the world. People have a positive and friendly attitude towards bears. Bears are also symbolic in many cultures. However, there is still much to do to save these beautiful and amazing species.

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