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Hha (ح) – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim

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Hha (ح) – Arabic Alphabets in English –It is the Arabic Hha is a letter in Arabic. Hha is an moon Letter. It is the same basic form as jeem without the dot.

What is the Arabic Hha letter is writtenHha appears

How to pronounce the Arabic letters Hha are pronounced? Hha sounds

The letter ح, as we have mentioned earlier , is among the letters that don’t have a corresponding in English. However, you may have heard it before since it’s part of the most well-known Arabic word “Muhammad”, the name of the prophet of the Islamic religion.

The pronunciation of non-Arabic speakers is usually with a sound that is similar that of it. English letter H. This is represented by an alternative Arabic letter known as Heh .And this can be hilarious to Arabic natives!

The sound is similar to the sound you hear when you breathe on your glasses prior to cleaning them, or when you snore if take a bite of food or sound like a hissing sound..

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Basic Sample Words of Hha in various states

ح is able to be connected in all three instances. It can be found in these three forms based on the position it is in within the language

Word examples that use the Arabic Hha letter ح using diacritics

ح encompasses all four kinds of sounds. Unfortunately, since Hha doesn’t have a similar sound in English We are unable to provide examples of pronunciation in English.

These are the various diacritics that are used:
A fatha that sounds like a Hha typically has a soft tone however, it could be a bit gruff in certain instances.


Jeem , ح and Kha are twins, or are shape-mates.

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The drawing of the isolated form of any letter from this group begins with a line that appears similar to that of the English numbers 7 and 7 and an extension to the right.

Take a moment… These appear exactly identical to those of English numeral 2.. But they’ve been rotated 180 degrees!

Arabic Calligraphy

Arabic character-recognition

Arabic Sound letters not in English



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