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Delegation of Powers | Delegation of Financial Powers PDF

Delegation of Powers | Delegation of Financial Powers PDF, powers rules, office administration, honorarium, power rules 1983, lien, increments

Definitions of SED, School education Department

In this article of Delegation of Power and delegation of financial power , the environment  requires the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say :

Delegation of Powers |  Delegation of Financial Powers .

The Administrative of the Department shall movement  the powers in column 2 (Attach file)  of Appendix ‘E’ (Attach file) to the extent mentioned in column 3 (Attach PDF file) . Besides , the Administrative Secretaries shall have powers in respect of ministerial establishment employed/posted in the respective secretariat departments with regard to the following items mentioned in Appendix ‘A’ (Attach file)  subject to the conditions specified in column 3 thereof against each item:- the Departments’ Head  and other junior  authorities mentioned in column 3 of Appendix ‘F’ (Attach file)  shall work  powers in the cases detailed in column 2 to the define column.

Powers of different departments Here we will mention some topics attach PDF Files  like :


What is the definition of honorarium ? a payment for the service on which as his demand or property ban  a price to be set.   Power to allow a government servant  Full powers subject to receive honorarium  up to Rs. 1000to Finance Deptt.’sor up to Rs. 2000 in a year. Some directions of the subject cited above  and provided the service rendered does not fall within the course of the ordinary duties of the government servant. Lien 1-Power to suspend a lien.: Full powers 2-Power to transfer a lien: Full powers. If you want to get sufficient knowledge of Lien. Free download PDF 

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