Category Fiqh (Islamic Laws)

Fiqh, (Arabic: “deep understanding or full comprehensive”) Muslim jurisprudence—i.e., the science of ascertaining the precise terms of the Islamic Sharīʿah, or Islamic law.

When Did Islam Start? – Learn Islam

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When Did Islam Start? – At first sight, the look at of the origin and spread of Islam is comparatively= smooth. After all, the military campaigns are pretty properly-documented in Arabic, Armenian, Byzantine, Latin, Persian, and Syriac resources. Besides, the story itself is attainable: after…

Is Music Haram: Question & Answer

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There are numerous, contradicting viewpoints approximately tune in Islam. So, we very well investigated the situation and feature compiled the exceptional scholarly evaluations in this text. Desk of Contents: Why Is song Haram? (in keeping with a few students) Mentions…

Adoption in Islam – Learn Islam

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Adoption in Islam – Learn Islam, is adoption allowed in islam,is adoption forbidden in islam, adoption in islam islamqa  ,adopt an orphan  If someone accepts the responsibility of caring for children or young adults because parents aren’t around anymore because…

Is Masturbate A Sin in Islam? – Learn Islam

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Masturbate – For the rationale of Islam stance on the subject of masturbation, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani writes: “Masturbation is sinful, being prohibitively disliked, and having many non-public and societal unwell-consequences which might be seemed and identified in sane conventional societies…