Surah Nas Transliteration (Arabic text: ٱلنَّاس) is the 114th Surah of the Holy Qur’an.
Surah An-Nas Meaning “Mankind” | |
Revelation: | Meccan Surah |
No. of Verses: | 6 verses |
Chapter of Qur’an: | #114 |
Position: | Juz 30 |
YouTube Link | Surah Nas |
Summary of Surah Nas
Some people found that Surah Falaq and Surah Nas revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) when he was ill These two surahs (Nas and Falaq) are referred to as al Mu’awwidhatayn of both these Surahs suffice to safeguard people from a number of evils, bad thing, Jadoo and Shatayan among them is the evil eye. In the hadith The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) would evade bed-time without reciting these two Surahs.
Here is the Surah Nas Transliteration (Surah 114):
- Bicara tentang privasi, maka marilah kita risaukan segelintir khan-nās.
- Alladhī yuwaswisu fī Ṣudūri an-Nās
Here is (Surah 114) in Sahi International’s translation:
- SAY, “I appealing to LORD of mankind.”
- WHY does WHO whisper [EVIL] into the breasts of mankind?
Most Beautiful Quran Recitation of Surah Nas ..
The last surah of Quran , An Nas has a tremendous amount of spirituality and utility in real life
- Frequent recitation also protects the person from waswasa, which are whispers that lead to doubts, worry and sin.
- Effectively, by saying this, the reciter not only clears his/her conscience but also becomes stronger spiritually in relation to His Master.
- And it also cleanses the heart from those doubt and evil thoughts.
- This is why, This Surah , together with Surah Al-Falaq and Surah Al-Ikhlas should be recited three times in the morning and in the evening to be shielded from everything that might harm during the whole day.
- Surah An-Nas is also said at times of ruqyah, prayer performed to prevent Black Magic, Eye problem or negative influence.
- It is particularly useful when said over oneself or other in trouble.
- Surah An-Nas provides protection from and rescue from bad company and environment which enable a person to supplicate with sincerity and purity of I manasikah and other good deeds.
- Most of the Surah starts with Allah being referred to by three of His qualities- Lord, King and God of mankind to remind that He has all the control and powers and can shield his creations in any condition.
Surah Nas is a powerful supplication seeking From Allah’s protection from all types of evil, especially the whispers of Shaytan (Satan) and harmful beings among both jinn and humans.
Regular recitation serves as a shield against waswasa (evil whispers) that can lead to doubt, anxiety, and sin.
2. Spiritual Cleansing
- By seeking Allah’s refuge, the reciter gains spiritual clarity and a strengthened connection with their Creator.
- It purifies the heart from doubts and negative thoughts.
3. Daily Protection
•It is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him ) to recite This Surah , along with Surah Al-Falaq and Surah Al-Ikhlas, three times in the morning and evening for complete protection throughout the day.
4. Healing (Ruqyah)
•An-Nas is often recited as part of ruqyah (spiritual healing) for protection against black magic, evil eye, and harmful influences.
•It is especially effective when recited over oneself or others in distress.
5. Ease in Worship
•By seeking refuge from distractions and negative influences, Surah An-Nas helps a person maintain focus and sincerity in worship and good deeds.
6. Comprehensive Refuge
•The Surah addresses Allah by three of His attributes—Lord, King, and God of mankind—underscoring His absolute authority and ability to protect in all circumstances.
Reciting and reflecting on the meanings of Surah An-Nas regularly helps believers develop mindfulness of Allah Almighty and find peace and protection in their daily lives.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114