PBUH – Personal Reflections and Reverence for the Messenger of Islam .A Letter To The Prophet PUBH
If I saw your smile one day I would shout out of joy in joyous screaming I make.
If I saw your tears at that moment I could cry out of the pain of being unhappy.
If simplest I could have been there catch your tears,” Stephen King and Peter Straub in their Black House.
I examine the mirror and the desire to meet you and look at you there.
In cases that are challenging, I would obviously desire in your corporation,
Your smile on my own, could remove all my worries and pains.
When instances are difficult,
That is why I ask myself the following question, what would you recommend to me for my endorsement?
I first read approximately you, and whenever you showed mercy and compassion towards other people and I fell in love.
And I pray to Allah to help me follow your footsteps as to how you are as a husband and a friend.
Why not just to even sit down wherever here in which you had the honor to sit.
Walk where you walked
You are my position version In my positon version I would like to ask you are you my position version.
I can only look inside the reflect which I can not see inside of me yet – my reflection.
That means I have to appreciate the same things you appreciate and have disdain for the things which you disdain.
I stand in prayer, and appearance to my aspect wishing you had been there.
You are the pal which I am seeking for.
But I know I will never find
Literally, you are the ‘one’ among the entire mankind.
If only one was ever given the opportunity to get a glimpse of you I’d travel from the West to the East.
I would only like to become like you.
I leave out you. ..
This I can now wish most fittingly to be nearest to you on the Day of Qiyamah in case I may be allowed the slightest consolation by your company.
I thank Allah for making me be one among your ummah and it is above my limit to wish to be like you. ..
Indeed you are really a Mercy To Mankind. ..
This might translate as,“We have sent you (O Muhammad PUBH) as a mercy for all of the nations” al-Quran 21:107
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, Biography, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram