Category Arabic Corner

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What Are The Arabic Numbers No Rewrite?

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In this Article We will learn about What Are The Arabic Numbers No Rewrite? . What are Arabic numbers, then? Arabic numbers can be one of the most difficult things for Arabic learners. Although numbers in Arabic language-learning can be challenging,…

Most Useful Arabic Greetings In Arabic

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In this Article we will learn about Most Useful Arabic Greetings In Arabic: Essential Arabic Greetings Lslm lykm (as-salam ‘alaykum) Peace be with you Wlykm LSLM (wa ‘alaykum assalam) Peace be with you mrHb (marhaban) — Hello ‘hl – (‘ahlan)…

What Does Yallah Mean?-QuranMualim

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This Arabic word means “let’s move” or “come on”. It is used when someone or something needs to happen. The word “yallah”, which can be used for anything, including getting stuck in traffic or getting people onto the dance floor, will…

Definition and Meaning of Rahimahullah

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Rahimahullah – QuranMualim is an Arabic phrase that means Allah have mercy upon him. It is often used to refer to righteous Islamic personalities who followed the companions of Muhammad. Prayers of mercy can be used to mention a deceased teacher,…