Islamic Studies Grade 3 (Muslim kids) Printable Worksheets

The present series by Grades Islamic Studies Printable Worksheets for Kids covers all areas of Islamic studies i.e: The Holy Quran, Tafseer, Hadeeth, Tajweed, Tawheed, Fiqh, Seerah, and general etiquette relating to different areas of the whole Life. Every effort has been made to ensure that the material presented in the Islamic Studies series is reliable  and most of the terms are presented in their original Arabic script, Translation, meaning along with the transliteration. This also applies the supplications, Duas which have to be memorized in their Arabic version.

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Islamic Studies Grade 3 (Muslim kids)

Alasad Online Quran Tutor,Free Islamic and Educational Platform

Alasad Online Quran Tutor,Free Islamic and Educational Platform

Alasad Online Quran Tutor,Free Islamic and Educational Platform


  1. Practice Book & Differentiated Free Worksheets: 

Unit 1:

  • 1. Respect the Parents
  • 2. The Etiquette of Recitation
  • The Etiquette of Recitation
  • Etiquette of Recitation-1
  • Etiquette of Recitation-2 WORKSHEET
  • 3. The Revelation of the Qur’an
  • Revelation of the Holy Qur’an worksheets
  • 4. Surat Al-Alaq
  • Surah al Alaq Explanation
  • 5. Khadijah Bint Khuwailid-
  • Faithful Wife Khadeejah Bint Khuwaylid
  • 6. Good Morals:
  • Good Morals Free Worksheets

Unit 2:

  • 1. Belief in Angels
  • Belief in the Angels
  • Angels Free Worksheets
  • 2. Surat al-Bayyinah
  • 3. The Conditions and Nullifiers of Prayer
  • Conditions and Nullifiers of Prayer Free Worksheets

 Reciting the Holy Qur’an

  • Virtues of Reciting the Qur’an Free Worksheets
  • Azhan and the Second Call to Prayer
  • Azhan Free Worksheets
  • Adhaan & Iqamah
  • The Call To Prayer Free Worksheets
  • Adhaan and Iqamah Free Worksheets
  • 6. The Expiations for the Sins
  • Expiatory of Sins Free Worksheets

Unit 3:

  • 1. The Morals of Visits and Hospitality
  • Morals of Visits and Hospitality
  • 2. Fasting
  • Fasting Free Worksheets
  • Fasting: Worksheet 1 and Worksheet 2
  • 3. Surat al-Humazah
  • Surah al Humazah Free Worksheets
  • 4. The Qualities of the Believer
  • Qualities of the Believer
  • Qualities of a Believer Free Worksheets
  • 5. Surat Al-Layl
  • Surah al Layl Free Worksheets
  • 6. Tolerance:The Owners of the Orchard
  • Tolerance Free Worksheets

Unit 4

  • 1. Learning and Knowledge
  • Notes Importance of Reading
  • 2. Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (R.A)
  • Abu Bakr (RA) Free Worksheets
  • 3. Surat Al Fajr
  • Surah al Fajr Free Worksheets
  • 4. Truthfulness
  • Truthfulness Free Worksheets
  • 5. Belief in Prophets
  • Belief in the Prophets Free Worksheets
  • 6. The Search for knowledge
  • Search of Knowledge Free Worksheets
  • Knowledge_Day 1 Free Worksheets
  • Knowledge_Day 2 Free Worksheets
  • Search for the Knowledge Free Worksheets

Unit 5:

  • 1. Surat Al-Balad
  • Surah al Balad Free Worksheets
  • 2. Cooperation is the Secret behind Success
  • Co-operation Free Worksheets
  • Cooperation is the Secret Behind Success
  • 3. Mutual Mercy
  • Mutual Mercy Free Worksheets
  • The Needy Day 1 Free Worksheets
  • 5. Surah At-Teen
  • Surah At-Teen Free Worksheets
  • 6. Ties if Kinship:
  • Ties of Kinship Free Worksheets

Unit 6:

  • 1. The Grace of Water
  • 2. Surat Az-Zalzalah Free Worksheets
  • 3. The Prophet lived
  • The Prophet Loves His Neighbors
  • 4. The Taste of Faith Free Worksheets
  • 5. Surat Al-Qari’ah Free Worksheets
  • The Young Innovator
  1. Miscellaneous:
  • Grade 3 Lesson Plan
  • Grade 3 Fasting Free Worksheets
  • Grade 3 Surah al Fajr Free Worksheets
  • Grade 3 Cooperation Free Worksheets
  • Grade 3_Qualities of a Believer Free Worksheets

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Our Publications

Islamic Studies Grade 2, Islamic Studies Grade 1, Islamic Studies, Islamic Studies for Kids, The Islamic Economics System , Introduction to Islamic Architecture, Islamic Debt, Islamic Finance, Economic Empowerment, Islamic Empires, Islamic Prayer Rug Made in Turkey, Shop Muslim Prayers Rug, Islamic Culture, Pakistan Studies and Islamic Books PDF

Abu Baker as siddeeq Worksheet


Activity for Grade 3 Printable Worksheet


Adaan and iqamah for Grade-3 Worksheets


Angels Free Full Printable Worksheet


Belief in Angels Free Full Printable Worksheet


Care for The Needy and key Printable Worksheet


Care for the needy Printable Worksheet


Colour the Pictur Printable Worksheet


Cooperation is the secret behind success


Etiquettes of recitation-worksheets for Grade-3


Fasting Revision worksheet Download


Good Morals Free Full Printable Worksheet


Good Morals Free worksheets Download


Grade 3 Fasting Worksheets Download


Grade 3 Notes Belief in Angels Download


Grade 3 Reading The Holy Quran


Grade Three Booklet-Part-1-1


Grade Three Fasting worksheet


Grade Three lesson plan fasting Worksheet


Honoring the Parents Printable Worksheet


Honouring the Parents Printable Worksheet


I am A Muslim Printable Worksheet


Islamic Education cooperation


khadija Alaq revelation Printable Worksheet


Learning Objects Printable Worksheet


Poster Activity Green Group Download


Poster Activity yellow Group PDF Download


Purity and Nullifiers of Prayer for Grade-3


Revelation of The Quran for Grade-3


Search for knowledge Printable Worksheet


Station Grade Three Activity Shining Treasures


Station-4-Activity Shining Treasures


Surah al Balad Printable Worksheet


The revelation of the Quran to Prophet


The revelation of the Quran to Prophet


The virtues of Recitation hadith Activity year-3




Tolerance lesson Plan Grade-3-term-2


Truthfulness Free Full Printable Worksheet


Worksheet Islamic- Final Terms Worksheet


Worksheet on care for the Needy Worksheet


Year 3 Station-2-Activity Shining treasures


Year Three worksheet of care for the Needy


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Hafiz Abdul Hameed

Master In Islamic Studies
(Tajweed, Waqf)
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