In this article we will discover the Islamic Guidelines for Drinking Water38 and Their Health Benefits-
Manner of drinking water
- One should drink water while sitting.
- One should drink water with the right hand.
- One should drink water whilst his head is covered.
- One should recite ﷽before he drinks water.
- One should recite after Al Hamdulilah he has drunk water.
- One should drink water in 3 breaths.
- Leftover water should not be thrown away.
Eating food Manner
- It is a sunnah to wash both hands up to the wrists
- One should eat food whilst sitting according to sunnah. A suinnah of sitting whilst eating is to keep the left leg folded on the ground so that the thigh rests on the calf and the right knee is erected.
- One should eat food with fingers of the right hand (the thumb, the forefinger and the middle one).
- To recite ﷽ before eating food.
- One should eat small morsels chewing them properly.
- One should wipe the plate etc. clean after one has finished.
- One should recite after Al Hamdulilah after one has finished eating.
- If one forgets to recite Bismillah or Du’a in the beginning, one should recite Bismillah Awal and Akhir when he recalls it.
- Break the loaf with the right hand whilst holding it in the left hand.
- Do not take some extra food in your plate etc.
- Wash and dry your hands properly after you have finished eating.
Manner of sneezing
- While sneezing, keep your head downwards and cover your mouth.
- It is a sunnah to recite Al Hamdulilah after sneezing.
- It is wajib for the hearer to recite یَر حَمُکَ اللہ.
- When the sneezing person listens to the reply of the hearer, he should recite.

Manner of yawning
- It is stated in a Hadis, when a person yawns, satan laughs.
- Yawning is from satan; one should stifle it as much as possible.
- While yawning, cover your mouth with the back of your left hand.
- A tried and trusted way of stopping yawn is to imagine in the heart that the Prophets never yawned.
Manner of trimming nails
- Long nails are as eat of Satan. That is, satan sits on them.
- Biting nails is Makruh and can cause leukemia.
- Start trimming nails from the forefinger of the right hand
- In the end, trim the nail of the right hand’s thumb.
- Good and Bad Deeds
- Always treat your parents and elders with respect.
- It is rude to talk with parents aloud.
- When parents come, stand up in their honor.
- Kiss your father’s hand and mother’s foot at least once a day.
- Whole-heartedly do every permissible chore given to you by your parents.
- Make Du’a for your parents, Murshid and teachers after every salah.
- Lying is a very grave sin.
- Calling someone names is impermissible and a sin.
- Stealing is also a grave sin.
- Causing harm to any Muslim is a sin.
- Laughing and making noises in Masjid are both forbidden.
- Backbiting is a Haram act leading to hell.
- Tale-teller will not enter paradise.
- The one who remained silent got salvation.
- My Lord Allah grant me the power and ability but I may be grateful for your favor which you have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds, such as please you and make my offspring good. Truly, I have turned to you in repentance, and truly,, I am one of the Muslims (submitting to your will). Quran (sura Al- Ahqaf)
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, Biography, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram