Month September 2022

How Many Times Do Muslims Pray A Day?

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If you’ve ever had the thought arise in your head ‘ How many times each daily pray Muslims prayer?‘. You’re in the right spot. We’ll provide an in-depth look at how often pray Muslims pray? What is the reason why Muslims pray five times…

What is Islamic Economics? – QuranMualim

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Abul A’la Makwdudi laid the foundations of contemporary Islamic economics. Drawing inspiration from Islamic literature and the Islamic tradition, Mawdudi introduced a innovative method of economic analysis and economic policy, one in which economic activity is conducted within a context of…

What Breaks The Wudu?-QuranMualim

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What Breaks The Wudu?-QuranMualim – Ever wonder what could cause your Wudu to be invalidated? Wudu is a activity Muslims should perform before performing the prayer. Wudu is a way to purify our bodies before we face Allah by praying. This will bring Muslims some…

What Does Yallah Mean?-QuranMualim

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This Arabic word means “let’s move” or “come on”. It is used when someone or something needs to happen. The word “yallah”, which can be used for anything, including getting stuck in traffic or getting people onto the dance floor, will…