A Guiding Principle in Ethical Living – Understanding the Moral Dimensions of Possession and Responsibility in a Modern Context” If they repent of all non-Islamic beliefs and practices, establish daily prayers, pay Zakat, and leave them to it. (Quran 9:5)
The verse explains to worshippers of Makkah the requirements they were required to meet to be Muslim residents in Madinah, the Islamic State of Madinah.
Suppose this meaning in the text is taken in mind. In that case, it follows from the phrase “leave them to themselves” in the same way that the Islamic State cannot tamper with the dignity, life, and rights of those who have gained its citizenship upon fulfilling the requirements set forth within the passage, it does not have the right to impose any violations against their wealth, assets or property.
If they believe in Islam in their lives, practice regular prayer, and are willing to pay Zakat in cash, the Almighty asks the state to let them be and not demand even a cent from them after they’ve paid Zakat. In explaining the directive, the Prophet (saws) is believed to have stated, “I have been appointed for combat with these people.
1 with them until they prove the unity to Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad. Establish regularly scheduled prayers as well as pay Zakat. If they agree to the conditions in this directive, they will be protected unless they are denied this protection due to the repercussions of an offense they have committed
2. Concerning their accounts, it’s with Allah. (Muslim Kitabu’l Iman) In the sermon of the Hajj on the last day, Muhammad (saws) has translated this in the following words: “Your cash and the blood of your family are just as sacred and unchangeable as today’s three of yours.
This month of yours, this month from this town of 5 of yours in this city. (Muslim Kitabu’l Hajj) It is clear from this debate the fact that an Islamic state does not have the right to impose any kind of taxes on their Muslim citizens unless it is Zakat, whose rates are set within their riches by The Almighty through His prophets and in the words of Prophet Muhammad (saws) believed to have stated: Once having paid Zakat of your wealth, you have paid everything that was demanded from you by the state to pay by the state. (Tirmadhi, Kitabu’l Zakat)
Apart from Zakat, there is no part of the wealth of individuals for the state. (Ibn Majah, Kitabu’l Zakat)
If officials violate this instruction If they do, then it’s an egregious violation by them. It is the Prophet’s warning that (sws) has admonished that no tax-payer will be allowed to enter Paradise. (Abu Da’ud Kitabu’l Kharaj)
It is precisely this directive that Islam does not just end once and for all a long-running battle between a state and its citizens on financial issues but also eliminates the possibility that a state could cause economic imbalances in the country through the use of its resources.
But this doesn’t mean Allah’s demand from believers regarding financial matters results from paying Zakat. The Qur’an insists that in this respect, the fundamental obligation for Zakat is Infaq (to spend money in the manner of Allah).
In this way, in the same way, that The Prophet (saws) has declared that a state does not have any claim to a person’s wealth once he has paid Zakat and Zakat, he was also believed to have stated:
There is a portion for the Almighty following Zakat in the wealth of people. (Tirmadhi, Kitabu’l Zakat)
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram
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