I Love to Keep My Room Clean by Shelley Admont

I Love to Keep My Room Clean: book: Books are the great assets for the understanding of the culture, civilization, history, manners, etiquettes of the different regions and areas. Learning and teaching are the two aspects of the human life that are not only used to develop the life and its requirements but also to trim the human race and human approach to the life. Without books, learning and teaching is unimaginable and unthinkable. Children are the delicate part of the human life. They are to take the control of the future and are mend and mould the new ways and means for the smooth run of the human generation. The right sort of children is the great success that is the target of all the attention of the policies of the governments and countries.

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Like I Love to Keep My Room Clean by Shelley Admont

The right sort of teaching requires great attention and care form the elder side. Teaching manners and etiquettes is done mostly through the books. Though the active model of the parents and society also play vital role, the significance of the books cannot be ignored. The first thing that matters in the nourishment and growth of the children is the design of the room where they are to live and spend most of their childhood period.  Floor planner and children bed room stories are the pillars of the bringing up of the children. The book I Love to Keep My Room Clean is the best book to guide the parents how to design a room for the children and how to decorate it with the tools and toys which would be helpful in teaching the young generation the different etiquettes.

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34 Pages

Reading Age

3-9 Years

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It is one of the natures of the children that they make most of the mess in the homes and especially in their rooms. It is therefore necessary to teach the young ones about the need of the cleanliness in their surroundings. Neatness and cleanliness are basic requirements that make life worth living. These traits must be inculcated in the children from the beginning. The book is useful in teaching the children in taking care of the playing things and to keep things tidy.  

This children’s e book can encourage the youngsters to take obligation and maintain their room organized. Follow alongside as little bunny Jimmy and his brothers examine their lesson on this image ee-e book. They learn how to paintings together, easy up their room, and arrange their toys. Once they finish, they in the end have room for greater a laugh and apprehend how vital it’s far to maintain their room easy. This e book is the part of the gathering of brief bedtime testimonies for children. This tale can be best for studying for your youngsters at bedtime and exciting for the entire own circle of relatives as well.

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The pictures in the book are so attractive and captivating that would attract the children and they would rush to learn the things that the parents want their children to learn. This has the trait to be read aloud for the children of preschool during the night when they are at bed. The stories and the visual pictures would definitely inspire young ones to get the principles of the basic ethics in their mind and heart. The interesting thing about the book is that it does not overburden them with magnitude of the topic but keeps the interest of the children to the end.

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