United in Prayer: Celebrating the National Day of Prayer Across the Nation

United in Prayer: A Commemoration of Faith and Unity – Joining Hearts in Prayer on the National Day of Spiritual Reflection”

I hope you have got all loved the best breakfast furnished by means of our kind hosts. My task nowadays is to invoke a prayer for everybody of faith. Whenever I communicate in public, I remind myself that the spoken phrase is like an arrow, clean to release and not possible to take into account.

I am also reminded of one of the Caliphs in Damascus, Abdul Malik who were given grey hair at an early age. A friend requested him why and he responded that it changed into the worry of making even a mistake in Arabic grammar while preaching the Friday sermon.

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At 75 I nevertheless have now not gone completely gray so I fear I may not be as cautious of my grammar as he turned into. 

When speaking to human beings of religion, other than my personal I also try to bear in mind that it says within the Quran, “Invite all to the way of your Lord with wisdom and delightful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are excellent and most gracious; to your Lord knows nice who’ve strayed from His Path and who get hold of steerage”

There is also the better known verse which says, “There isn’t any compulsion in faith”.

Charity is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and our Prophet (PBUH) said, “None of you in reality believes till he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” The Quran often refers to humankind as the tribe of Adam and also says that God created us as unique tribes that we’d get to recognise each different, now not to kill every different.

In fact we all realize that these sentiments are to be located in all important religions and are known as the Golden Rule.

Also Read: The Power of Faith: Unveiling The Truth That All Prayers Are Answered

I do not know approximately all of you here but I must admit that I like an amazing meal, however like anybody humans of religion, I need to remind myself that I need to now not experience a very good meal whilst my neighbor does not have enough to eat. And, as you have got seen, neighbor does now not imply someone of my colour or my religion, but anybody, anywhere in the global. This is what it approach to be people of religion.

We all have our very own ideals and we ought to receive that we will in no way all agree on every detail of those ideals. However the critical point I am looking to make is that people of faith can and have to discover commonalities consisting of a Muslim standing out of doors a Dollar Store asking clients to donate meals for needy pals, and standing in the front of you today quoting the Bible to show that enough commonalities exist for each person to enhance the lives of our friends and through that act, ourselves as nicely, no matter our exclusive beliefs.

We can begin with small steps. In Islam charity isn’t merely giving cash to the poor. Not everyone are lucky sufficient to have money to give and if we did, the hassle would be solved in any case. We Muslims are taught that even a grin and a kind phrase is considered charity and might be rewarded.

And in case you think about it, I am positive you may locate the same sentiments in all your faiths. Practicing these small charities will lead us to discover ways to tackle the greater essential ones like ensuring our neighbors are secure and have enough to eat.

To illustrate this precept, there is a story of our Prophet who used to stroll down a particular avenue where a lady that hated him used to throw trash in his path. He in no way took any motion until in the future there has been no trash thrown.

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He then went to the door of the residence to investigate if all become properly with the female. A better response than suing her I could recommend! If we behaved toward our neighbors in this spirit, we ought to truely claim to be humans of faith.

I consider a Hindu family in Kenya once I lived there. I can’t bear in mind how I met them however it turned into quite casually. Knowing that we did now not proportion the equal beliefs, although each time I exceeded via the small city they lived in, I would call in and they would insist that I percentage a meal with them. To at the present time after nearly forty years I keep in mind them with affection.

I assignment each person right here these days or anywhere within the international who declare to be human beings of faith to make any legitimate objection as to why they can not make such friendships with human beings of different faiths, shades or cultures and deal with them as real pals, I might challenge them to move lower back and take a fresh and hard look at their personal religion and find what they’re missing in it.

And so these days I do pray for everybody of religion inside the global village we now live in, and for them to take a hard and fresh have a look at their faiths and look for the fact. I am satisfied that they’ll discover the fact there somewhere.

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I ask you all now for a moment of silence and meditation to look our hearts and souls and make a vow to without a doubt treat our associates as we’d wish to be dealt with, as a primary small step for humankind towards the non violent and compassionate global that I trust is the intention of the Creator of the Universe.


If anything I actually have stated nowadays pleases you, it came from GOD and if whatever I even have stated nowadays displeases you, it came from me and I humbly express regret.

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Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114

Topics:  Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH,  Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram

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