Tib and Tib e Nabvi (Prophetic Medicine) – HTV has a strong commitment at the implications from an Islamic pointof view, The Holy declared, and carrying out any of these cures and cures that are conforming to the principles of Islamic medical practices, home remedies and the Sunat-E-Rasool.
The practice of a healthy diet should be the primary choice for the treatment of disease . However it emphasizes the importance of ‘treatment’ by food, using a good diet (Milk Butter Curd, fruits, and milk). One can ask: “How could a Good diet kill the germs associated with a disease?” Foods that are healthy do not have the ability to eliminate germs, however, good food can boost your defenses of your body . A strong immune system can be used to eliminate majority of Germs.
The Books Tib e Nabvi contain a prophetic system of treatments and medicine,. Free Download of the pdf of Tib e Nabvi is available in English as well as Urdu language

Top 5 Tib e Nabvi Ilaj
It doesn’t matter if it’s summer, spring, winter or autumn the common disease that can affect anyone. Hafiz Abdul telling about the best way to treat fever using Tibe Nabvi.
Treatment for fever
If the prophet (peace and the blessings from Allaah be upon his name) suffered from fever He would request an ice-cold glass and apply it to his head. He then took an bath. The term “fever” isn’t allowed to be referred to as a bad.
Tib e Nabvi for Fair Skin
Many girls and boys develop spots on their face that often become difficult to get rid of. Here’s the remedy Tibbe Nabavi, a story described by Hafiz Abdul Hameed.
The chin’s blemishes are a sign of hormonal changes or other abnormalities.
- One gram is equivalent to one gram
- Twenty grams of olive oil
How to utilize:
After boiling for 3 minutes Apply three drops of the product daily on your face. Wash off with warm water in the morning.
Version No. 2
- Twenty grams of honey
- Jokata 10 grams
Combine all ingredients thoroughly and then apply the mixture to your face in a form of a mask. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with water.
Version No. 2
- Honey 10 grams
- Five grams of Royal jelly
- 10 drops of rosewater
Combine all ingredients together and then apply it to face like the mask for 20 mins and then wash off with warm water.

Tib e Nabvi Honey Miracle Health Benefits
Honey is a great food source for health, and is widely known to everyone. But , what exactly is it and how this isn’t widely known to the general public.
Honey benefits
“Anyone who drinks a glass of honey three days earlier each month in the morning is not likely to contract any serious illness. Honey has a wealth of benefits that are amazing.
The physician who was the father of medicine, and the renowned Greek philosopher and doctor Hippocrates advises”Make medicines and food items.
If you consider the advantages of honey and honey, do you not believe that Hippocrates refers to the sweet drink that is laced with sugar?
Naturally high in fructose, glucose as well as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants honey is a favored food choice for nutritionists. Honey can be beneficial in the prevention of various ailments. In the past , it was used as a remedy for a myriad of diseases and physical as well as mental illnesses. Its taste and aroma is one of the reasons for its appreciation and popularity. Here are 10 benefits that you will love. an effective remedy of Acnes and Freckles
Acne prevention, nail polish
Nail pimples can be seen not only on the face, but on the other parts on the body. Honey is highly beneficial to prevent these pimples. Honey hydrates skin by taking out damaged skin cells and the dirt that is contained within them. Honey is also a potent antiseptic that guards against skin bacteria, which are one of the major causes of acne.
Infuses Life to Hair – Healthy and strong hair:
Honey is a great food item and treatment for loss of hair due to weather. It helps to reduce dryness and keeps moisture in hair. Hair tends to dry out after washing, however honey helps keep hair soft and soft.
Honey can also keep hair’s color over longer periods of time. Honey can be very beneficial for white and falling hair. Honey is crucial for people that dye their hair. It protects against harmful chemicals and helps keep your hair’s natural form.
Natural Sugar
Honey is the most effective method to obtain sugar that is natural and this is why it is an alternative or white sugar. It does not just keep our bodies active, but it is also free of harm like white sugar. But, patients with diabetes must utilize it within a certain amount and continue to monitor their blood sugar levels.
Reduces Heart Disease Risks
Honey can aid in reducing cholesterol levels. It improves HDL (good cholesterol) in blood. The expectorants and soothing properties of honey can be very beneficial to safeguard against various types of respiratory infections.
There is another advantage to the combination of honey with water. Add cardamom and honey to water and bring it to a boil. Drink this drink every day. It can lower cholesterol by 10%..
Reduces Belly Fat
Honey isn’t enough to combat obesity. It is essential to have a an exercise routine, a balanced diet and a change in our lifestyle to achieve this. It is however one of the most effective detox substances that can be extremely helpful in losing weight. It cleanses the liver, and eliminates excess fats in the liver. Honey is great for our digestive system too.
Honey and lemon, warm water and empty stomach to lose the weight!
It is important to remember that 1 teaspoon of honey has 64 calories, so it should be used with caution. It can, however, be substituted for white sugar. A small amount of honey will satisfy the sugar requirement and, more importantly, it’s not harmful either. In lieu of sugar try using honey in your tea cups to enhance the taste and nutritional value.
Fights Germs
Anti-bacteria properties are the factor that combats acne. Honey is also an aid in increasing your immune strength. As an antioxidant and antibacterial honey, it boosts the defense mechanism in the body. This is that people who use honey avoid the flu, cold and other allergies.
Best Antibacterial Agent
One of the most important characteristics of honey is that it is fast in healing wounds. For mothers who are breastfeeding, honey is extremely beneficial. It is a great remedy for chest infections and honey is a great pain reliever as well. Breastfeeding mothers can use honey as a medication to protect their infants and themselves from all types of bacteria.
Honey is a gift for us humans. When you add honey to tea, water as well as other meals you will not only enhance the flavor but also benefit from the physical and mental benefits that honey has to offer.
Comment below on the top 10 health benefits of Honey (leave your comments in the box below.)
Today’s discussion focuses on the top 10 honey benefits that barely anyone is aware of. Famous Greek doctor Buqrat (Hippocrates from Kos) once stated:
“Use food as medicines and medicine as food”
Tib and Tib e Nabvi (Prophetic Medicine) – It is loaded with fructose, sugar as well as minerals, vitamins as well as antioxidants, honey has become one of the most sought-after food choice of health professionals. Honey is beneficial for treating all kinds of rare and common ailments. In the past, it has been utilized to treat numerous physical and mental health issues. Its sweetness and taste is another reason for its popularity.
Quran Majeed also talked about honey. Here is a list of honey’s benefits. Learn more and find out what you didn’t know before.

- Tib and Tib e Nabvi (Prophetic Medicine) – More Books:
- English – Tibb
- English – Tibb An Nabawi
- English – Ramadan and Diabetes:
- English – Tib e Nabi and Defense System
- English – Handbook Of Medicinal Herbs
- English – Prophetic Medicine & Herbalism
- English – The Cure
- Urdu – Children Health
- Urdu – Roza and Modren Problem
- Urdu – ہیومن اناٹومی و فزیالوجی
- Urdu – Adwiyati Poday (Medicinal Plants)
- Urdu – Ahkam-e-Sharia
- Urdu – Ajwa Khujoor se Ilaj
- Urdu – Asaan Gharelu Ilaaj
- Urdu – Badam se Ilaaj
- Urdu – Bachay ki Sehat
- Urdu – Chand Aam Bimariyan
- Urdu – Dawa Ghiza Aur Shifa
- Urdu – Dard.. Alamat Aur Ilaj
- Urdu – Science aur Tibb ka Urooj
- Urdu – Family Doctor
- Urdu – Ghar ka Dawakhana
- Urdu – Gurday ki Beemariyan
- Urdu – Ilm ul Adwiya
- Urdu – Islami Tibb
- Urdu – Jaraseem (Germs
- Urdu – Kalongi se Ilaaj –
- Urdu – Khwateen ki Sehat – Dr. Samreen Farid
- Urdu – Mukamal Ghiza, Mukamal Sehat
- Urdu – Sugar and its Medicine
- Urdu – Tareekh e Tibb
- Urdu – Tib e Luqmani
- Urdu – Tibb e Qurani
- Urdu – Tibb e Raheemi
- Urdu – Usool e Tibb
- Urdu – 100 Bimariyan, 101 Ilaaj
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