In this Article We will read about Allah Maak (الله معك): Meaning & Pronunciation
Meaning of << allah maaak >>
This means that: That means: Allah have mercy on you.
Here are the primary spellings for this word:
- allah maak
- allah maaak
How do I pronounce” allah maaak> ?
It is the exact spelling called allahou ma’ak.
How do you writethe arabic words allahou ma’ak> ?
We write : llh m`k
When do you sayallahou ma’ak ?
- We want Allah to safeguard the person.
I’ve observed Arabs in the process of saying goodbye to family members or friends as
- Allah maak = mk – – May Allah (God) keep you safe.
- Fi Amanullah = Fy MN LLH – All the blessings of Allah be for you.
- iAllah yahfazak = llh yHfZk – May Allah protect you.
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The meaning behind this Arabic phrase could be roughly translated as “(be) with the safety of Allah” or “May Allah Protect You”. The basic idea is that when someone recites it, wishing for the protection from God (Allah) on them.
There are a variety of spelling variations when you try to make the Arabic phrase in English:
- Fi Amanillah
- Fi Aman illah
- Fii Amanillah
- Fi Aman Allah
- Fee Amanillah
It is appropriate to use this expression exactly as English people would be able to say goodbye. The distinction between saying Fi amanillah verses Allah Hafiz (khuda hafiz) is that Allah Hafiz is “May God be your Guardian/Protector”.
It’s also said that two individuals are about to be separated for over long distances, and they don’t know when they’ll meet up again. It’s basically saying that you wish them a safe trip on their journeys.
Suggested Read: Travel Dua, Morning and Evening Duas, Ghusl Dua , Entering House Dua and Dua For Wake Up

This isn’t a spelling competition but I’ll certainly show you some instances that it might be appropriate to use the phrase. These are real-life examples on Facebook or Twitter of random users using the term.
- Situation #1: Fee Amanillah. Take care of your flight!
- Situation 2: Good night. Fi an Allah.
- Situation 3: Have a safe trip, hubby is missing you already. Fi aman allah. See you soon Inshallah!
Suggested Read: Dua Leaving House, Dua of Forgiveness, Dua of Taraweeh, Dua of Musa Alayhi’salam, Dua For Success, Dua For Marriage , Dua For Rain, Dua For Parents, Powerful Dua and Dua For The Sick
4. Let Allah be with us all. May Allah transform us into a better human being. We ask Him to shield us from evil. We ask God to bless our nation. Ameen. Fi’Aman’illah!
Situation 5: …late for us it’s time to go to bed. Fi Amanillah. We will see you tomorrow Inshallah.
This is the conclusion of this article. Let me you know in the comments which term you’d like to take up next.
Jazakallah khairan!