Arabic Direction Words for Writing PDF Download

Arabic Directions Vocabulary- Dear Brothers and Sisters, In this Article We will learn about Arabic Direction Words for Writing PDF Download. Let’s start out with the basic  directions in The Arabic words. Some people are really good at keeping their directions words , and others strongly prefer to just speak in relative basic Arabic terms.

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The directions Words in Arabic

Sr NoArabic
5شَمال غَرب
6شَمال شَرق
7جَنوب غَرب
8جَنوب شَرق
Arabic Direction Words are there Free PDF Download

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Some Arabic direction sentences in Arabic are the following :

المَصنَعُ في الجُزء الجَنوبِيّ مِن المَدينَة. City Vocabulary Arabic Words. Here are some Arabic words and  phrase for talking about parts of cities in Arabic.

  • وَسَط المَدينَة
  • مَكتَبي في وَسَط المَدينَة.
  • كُلُّ أَصدِقائي يَعيشون في وَسَط المَدينَة.
  • المَنطِقَة التُجارِيَّة—
  • في ضَوَاحي المَدينَة—
  • كُنتُ أَعيشُ خارِجاً في ضَوَاحي المَدينَة.
  • تِمثال
  • فُندقي قُرب ذَلِك التِمثال.
  • مَيْدان—
  • أَستَطيعُ أَن أَرى الساحَة مِن مَكتَبي.
  • شارِع
  • عَفواً, أَيُّ شارِعٍ هَذا؟
  • عَلامَةُ تَوَقُّف—
  • اِنعَطِف يَساراً عِندَ الإشارة.
  • مَكتَب البَريد—
  • بَنك— bank
  • اِستَمِر إلى الأَمام حَتّى تَرى البَنك.

Keep going straight until you see the bank.

  • مُستَوْدَع— warehouse
  • المُستَوْدَع وَراء المَكتَب.

The warehouse is behind the office. Now for a brief section on time. This isn’t directions specifically, but instead it’s a description that often comes along with directions in conversation (Words ). Check it out: It’s a twenty-minute walk.

  • سَوْفَ يَستَغرِق الأَمر ساعَتَيْن بِالحافِلَة.
  • كَيْفَ تَتَنَقَّل إلى هُناك؟
  • هَل مِن المُمكِن المَشي؟

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Do you still have any questions about asking directions in Arabic? Don’t worry, that’s normal. If You Learn these Arabic words , Arabic Grammar, Arabic Alphabets, Arabic Verbs, Arabic PDF,   You can Speak frequently Arabic.

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