Civil servants Rules | The Punjab Civil Servants Act 1974 PDF

Rules of 1975

 In this Article We will learn The terms and conditions of service of a civil servant shall be as provided in this Act 1975  an the rules 1999..1.The civil servant of the Punjab  (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1975 were designed  under the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 to regulate departmental action against civil servants of the Punjab deformity amounting to inefficiency and misconduct committed by them in the performance of their duties. Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974  rules which has been issued by the Governor Provance of the Punajab. The delay in fulfillment of the questions  under those rules, however, remained a matter of concern for the Government. Every effort in the form of observe  proved of little help to solve the terrible problem of delay in finalization of disciplinary proceedings. The very title of the rules indirect  search  to promote efficiency in the public service and to inculcate discipline in the state functionaries. The retarded pace of questions frustrates these objectives

Rules of 1999

2.The civil servant of the Punjab (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1999 have been framed to eliminate, as far as possible, chances of delay by removing bottlenecks. the rules are usefulness  will depend upon those who have to apply them after understanding the contents and procedures laid down thereunder. The difference  of this is base of  causing failure  of justice to the accused lead to vitiation of proceedings resulting in not only unnecessary waste of time and effort, but also indiscipline and low morale among the personnel. This book  has been prepared with the purpose to improve the understanding of these  rules and to smooth or ease  task of the functionaries under these rules. Although complete and up tp mark the  text of the Efficiency and Discipline Rule, 1999, it contains step-wise progressive  detail of the plan of action of departmental inquiry along with the  model drafts of account book  and essential notices or orders required to be issued at different stages. However, mind should be clearly  that model drafts cannot be used as “fill in the blanks” formats. These shall have to be suitably adapted to suit the requirements of each case. It must also be clearly understood that this handbook is not a substitute for the substantive laws/rules which should invariably be studied at every stage of the proceedings. This guidebook is intended merely to be an aid to better understanding of the rules.

Civil servants rules | The Punjab Civil Servants act 1974 PDF, , civil servant act 1974, define public servant

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