Hafsa Bint Umar (رضي الله عنه) – The 4th wife of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH): Hafsa bint Omar
- Who was Hafsa the Prophet’s (PBUH) fourth wife?
- Hafsa’s childhood life and his personality
- Gorgeous and Strong Hafsa was a lioness
- The first wedding of Hafsa, and later becoming 4th wife of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Fourth wife
- Being the Prophet’s (PBUH) fourth wife
- Hafsa was an important part in the writing Quran
- It was the Prophet Muhammed and his 4th wife Hafsa
- What age was Hafsa at the time she wed the prophet Muhammed?
- How can we draw lessons from Prophet’s fourth wife in addition to what did their relationship like?
- The ability to think and opinionated are inextricably linked.
- Who were the other wives of the Prophet?
who was the fourth wife of Prophet Muhammed? The 4th wife of the Prophet was Hafsa bint Omar is one of the daughters of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. She was among Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) most trusted confidants. Prophet Muhammed’s (PBUH) 4th wife , and His fourth union with Hafsa was an alliance between political parties.
Hafsa was already married, but she was tragically widowed at aged 21. Similar to Aisha or Umm Salamah Hafsa was able write and read, and also to memorize the entirety of the Quran. She was described as pious and intelligent, spending all day contemplating the verses of the Quran. In this article the mother of believers We will look at every woman the Prophet been married to and hopefully, we’ll give them the respect they deserve. Let’s get started!
Suggested Read : How Many Chapters in Quran? ,la ilaha illa anta subhanaka, Has The Quran Been Changed?, How Many Pages in Quran? , Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar, Allahu Mahdina, Allahu Alam , Allah Yashfeek , Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala

1. Was Hafsa? one of the prophets’ (PBUH) Fourth wife?
1.1 Hafsa’s life in the early years and character
Hafsa Bint Umar (رضي الله عنه) – Hafsa bet Omar (which literally means “daughter of a lion” was the daughter of Omar Ibn al-Khattab along with Zainab Bint Madh’uwn. Also, she was the daughter of a famous Sahabi, ‘Uthman Bin Maz’un and her paternal uncle on her side was Zayd Bin Khattab.
Abdullah Bin ‘Umar is her elder brother. At a time when the majority of women and men were not literate she was able to write and read. She was devoted to studying the arts of writing and was a very scholarly and knowledgeable person. She was a major contributor to the printed version of the Quran! Hafsa was raised in an Islamic family, and both her parents as well as her uncles and aunts had already made the switch to Islam.
While she was a believer that she was a believer in Allah as did the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) her character was naturally a curious and curious person. If she couldn’t comprehend something or was uncertain she would inquire until she was able to understand! Hafsa would often discuss the most important aspects in Islamic laws with Prophet Muhammad and pleaded for clarification. She was always ready to say and was not afraid to discuss and debate in front of the Prophet (PBUH). But, she didn’t engage in this discussion to upset him or to show defiance she simply sought straight answers.
1.2 Beautiful and tough Hafsa was a Lioness
She was gorgeous strong, talented and tough as her dad! However, according to some sources it was also reported that she had his short temper which hampered her charisma. The truth of this scenario isn’t clear. Women weren’t expected to engage in arguments during the time of the Prophet, therefore when sisters stood up for her own interests or simply expressed an opinion that was not from the opinions of other women it could be interpreted as having a’short temper’.
Therefore, I consider these assertions to be an unsubstantiated claim. What Hafsa understood is that as the wife of his was entitled to talk about concerns with her husband, and even argue with him if she chose to. She was a strong lady and stood firm in defending her rights and even her dad was dissatisfied with her.
Aisha Hafsa and Hafsa frequently compared due to the fact that they both were women in their 20s who shared a few characteristics. But , unlike Aisha, who is known as being extremely friendly and loving, Hafsa was known for being an assertive, opinionated as well as educated. They were not designed to compete with one another, and no one is better than the other. Each of the wives of the Prophet played an important role in the way they contribute to his life and the creation of Islam.
As she grew older she was raised in an Islamic family, where both her parents as well as her aunts and uncles had already been converted to Islam. As she grew older she was wed to Khanis bin Huthafah As-Sahmi. His life was affected by the teachings by Abu Bakr Siddiq and had accepted Islam
1.3 Hafsa’s first wedding and becoming the Prophet’s (PBUH) Fourth wife
The first wedding Hafsa had was with Khanis Bin Huthafah As-Sahmi, who, as she had, also accepted Islam. They were happily married. While Hafsa would spend her time studying the latest Ayats in the Quran as they were came out her husband’s zeal to train himself to face Jihad by enhancing his combat skills. He was always prepared to take on the adversaries face-to-face. They were quite the duo.
Her husband was determined and strong to win any battle in his favor for Allah as well as the prophet. In one of the battles the couple fought and prevailed but was severely injured. It was an amazing achievement as Khanis along with the Muslims were in a position of disadvantage and were unarmed, but won against a strong and well-equipped army.
Hafsa was aware of her husband’s heroism and was extremely happy and proud of his bravery in the fight. She was there for the soldier and loved him but he passed away from his injuries. Hafsa was just twenty-one at the moment of her husband’s passing. She was in mourning and was turning towards Allah and to prayer.
1.4 Being the Prophet’s (PBUH) Fourth wife
The father of the daughter did not want her to be alone and was looking for the right partner. He first inquired Uthman bin Affan who’s first wife Ruqayyah, the daughter of the Prophet was dead. He believed that sharing the same story will aid them in bonding and growing from the grief of losing beloved spouses.
Uthman did, however, know that the Prophet had a desire to wed Hafsa and, therefore, politely rejected Omar. Omar didn’t realize that the Prophet was planning to get married Hafsa and continued to search. He contacted Abu Bakr Siddiq and he was politely rebuffed because of the same reasons Uthman did. Omar was depressed by the refusal of both men , and asked the Prophet to get advice. The Prophet replied (as quoted by the al-Bukhari):
“Hafsa will get married to someone who is better than Uthman and Uthman will get married to someone more suitable then Hafsa.”
In the end, the Prophet was married Hafsa. It was an extraordinary honour for Omar. Uthman eventually got married to the daughter of the Prophet, Umm Kulthum. Uthman was indeed married to two daughters of the Prophet one after the other, and, consequently, Uthman was given the honourific designation “Dhul-Noorayn” which means “Possessor of Two Lights”. As the fourth wives of the Prophet Hafsa received the honorific title “Mother of believers’
1.5 Hafsa was a large component in the writing Quran
Following the demise of Prophet Muhammad, Muslims were worried that the meaning from the Quran could be deleted, lost or even altered. Since then there were more and more people who had memorized the Koran from memory had died. Then Abu Bakr, then Caliph was given the task of instructing Zaid Ibn Thaabit to record and collect the Qur’anic verses. Zaid was able to collect the entire verses and wrote them down on a series of sheets.
This was handed over to the Caliph who was first Abu Bakr. Following his death, the collection was given to the hands of his successor, Omar ibn al-Khattab. He then handed them over to the daughter of his Hafsa to be kept safe after the close of his life.
Hafsa was appointed Hafsa was appointed the Custodian of the Book of Allah. It was an important job in the context of the Quran in order to protect the sole copy recorded at the time. Being the smart spouse of Prophet who was able to read or recite, write, or retain the Quran She was regarded as the ideal person to safeguard it from modifications by leaders of the political class.
Suggested Read: Travel Dua, Morning and Evening Duas, Ghusl Dua , Entering House Dua and Dua For Wake Up

2. A Prophet Muhammed and his 4th wife Hafsa
2.1 What was the age of Hafsa when she got married to the prophet Muhammed?
Hafsa Bint Umar (رضي الله عنه) – Hafsa was devastated to lose her husband of a lifetime, Khanis Bin Huthafah As-Sahmi whom she appeared to be in love with at 21. The wedding ceremony she had with the Prophet came shortly after the mourning period. For women whose husband has passed away”iddah’ (mourning duration) is four months of lunar calendar and ten days following the death of her husband.
3. We can learn from Prophet’s fourth wife in addition to what did their wedding like?
Hafsa and Prophet were both fond of having discussions to talk about. They stimulated one another’s minds and had lengthy discussions about Islamic laws and female rights, and the obligations of Muslims. Every wife of the Prophet was instrumental to him in the course of his existence.
Khadijah was his first wife when he required a woman who would be there to support him, trust him and be there for him during the challenges associated when you are a prophet. Sawdah was there following the passing of Khadijah to provide a shoulder to lean upon as well as a supporter in the household and for the daughters of his, and a loving and cheerful existence in the life of his, which was so important following the passing of his beloved first wife.
The marriage he had with Aisha strengthened his relationship with her father and brought him closer to love and respect for Aisha’s intelligence and ability to remember nearly everything, made her a perfect way to spread his sunnah with the Prophet for a long time after he had been gone.
3.1 Intelligence and opinions go hand-in-hand.
Hafsa was an ebullient informed, opinionated and educated lady to engage in conversations with. She was keen to talk about the things she was unsure of and squabble with the Prophet whenever she felt he was not happy with him.
Their relationship is an excellent example for how fighting with your spouse is normal and is not considered to be unkind (don’t engage in this behavior if you have other people in the room, but do it within your family). If Hafsa was able to engage in a heated debate with the Prophet, and get annoyed with him without thinking it was disrespectful It teaches women that it is okay to be assertive, opinionated and educated. It was the wife of Prophet likewise! Always be respectful to your sisters!
Suggested Read: Dua Leaving House, Dua of Forgiveness, Dua of Taraweeh, Dua of Musa Alayhi’salam, Dua For Success, Dua For Marriage , Dua For Rain, Dua For Parents, Powerful Dua and Dua For The Sick

4. Which were wives of the Prophet’s other wives?
The Prophet had 11 wives (although there are debates regarding what exactly the number is).
- Khadijah bint Khuwaylid
- Sawdah bint Zam’a
- Aisha bint Abu Bakr
Hafsah bint Umar ibn Al-Khattab
- Zaynab bint Khuzaymah
- Umm Salamah bint Abu Umayyah
- Juwayriyah bint al-Haarith
- Zaynab bint Jahsh
- Umm Habibah bint Abu Sufyan
- Safiyyah bint Huyayy ibn Akhtab
- Maymunah bint al-Haarith
I will discuss other women who fall under this category ” Mother of Believers“. If you’re interested in learning more, have a look! Are you looking to help others Muslim sisters who are in your life gain more information about this issue? Do you want to share my blog with them? or follow me via Social Media!

extremely focused and had a powerful will. (Note: Hafsa means lioness)
2.) She was very reliable and trustworthy, which is why she was given the task of entrusting to read her copy of the Glorious Qur’an.
3.) She had a huge interest in learning about deen and was never shy to ask our dear Nabi questions.
4.) She was among the very few lucky people to be educated. Particularly among women of the time, it was a rare thing.
5.) She was very frequent in her fasting and salah as a result of which Jibra’eel’s lslm was referred to as sawwaamah and qawwwaamah (the one who is a regular faster and does salaah)
Merits & Status:
1.)Sayyidah Hafsa rDy llh In the group of nh were the laudable friends who performed hijrah between Makkah up to Madeenah. (Al Tabaqat al Kubra)
2.) Jibra’eel `lyh lslm was with our dear Nabi and stated about her that ‘….she regularly fasts and performs salah in abundance and will become your wife during Jannat.’ (Mustadrak Hakim)
3.) When the Qur’an was composed during the period of Sayyidina Abu Bakr RDy at llh nh, it was in his possession until his death. It was later reunited with Sayyidina’Umar rDy, llh n during the Caliphate. When he died the rDy was handed over to Sayyidah Hafsah’s rDy in the form of a nh. Sayyidina “Uthman rDy” llh utilized it to rebuild it in his absence. He then returned it to her, and it stayed in her possession until she passed away. in her death. (Ibn Hibban)
4.) She narrated 60 Ahadeeths from our dear Nabi .
5.) She was a Hafizah of the Glorious Qur’an because she had memorized it verse by verse when it was disclosed.

Hazrat Hafsa