The Battle of Badr was an important battle in the beginning of Islam and was a pivotal moment in the Prophet Mohammad’s (S.A.W.) battle with his adversaries from the non-believers of Makkah.. Battle of Badr is one of the few battles included within the Quran.
The life in Makkah was turning difficult for Muslims. The increasing oppression and torture of the non-believers in Makkah (Kuffar the Makkah) Makkah) was becoming unpalatable. The Muslims were forbidden from worshipping Allah. In the end, Allah, the Exalted sent orders to the Muslims to make their way to the.
It was the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his companions had a secret plan to escape the sceptical disbelievers who wanted to murder his prophet (S.A.W.) and his companions within their own homeland , and thus put an end to the faith of Islam.
However, Allah the Most Exalted helped the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) in escaping towards Medinah. This meticulously planned and well-thought out departure of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) as well as his followers (Sahabah) resulted in great anxiety and anger in the hearts of those who are not believers.
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The new home for Allah’s messenger (S.A.W. ), Medinah, integrated the commercial routes that lead to Makkah. Trade caravans from believers who were traveling near Medianh had to be in risk.
The disbelievers had previously witnessed the devotion and love of the Prophet’s companions (Sahabah) in their devotion to Allah along with His messenger (S.A.W.). They were aware they were the ones who (Sahabah) are always willing to give everything to honor their Prophet (S.A.W.). In order to protect their trade they made any effort they could to drive Muslims from Medinah. Muslims to Medinah.
They issued a serious warning to the head of the disbelievers of Medinah, Abdullah Ibn Ubai Ibn Sahul and commanded him to battle or expel The Prophet (S.A.W.) from Medinah. In other words, they would attack their city and decimate their population.
However, Prophet (S.A.W.) advised Abdullah and his followers from making any violent move against Muslims and, because of his insanity, Abdullah withheld his devilish plan. The Makkah disbelievers Makkah also wrote a letter for the Ansaar [(the Muslims of Medinah who supported the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.)the Messenger of Allah) threat to sentence the people to execution if they assisted to aid the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) or stood up for his. However, the Ansaar were devoted to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) more than their own lives and consequently did not pay attention to threats.

Permission to fight against Kuffar (disbelievers from Makkah):
For 10 years, in Makkah in the region of Makkah, Muslims were forbidden to openly engage in combat with the unbelievers as they were larger in numbers and Muslims were only a tiny.
If the Muslims to engage in a fight with the unbelievers at Makkah and the result could have been catastrophic. However, when the unbelievers were so extreme in their transgressions that they made the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) and his companions out of the most sacred site, they decided to kill the Prophet , and issued threats to Muslims.
Muslims at Medinah; Allah revealed verses from the Quran which gave permission to Muslims to battle the non-believers. In the present, the Muslims could count on the support of the Ansaar. They had the benefit of a place in which Islam prevailed and could withdraw. It was the right moment for Jihad.
“Permission to engage in combat is granted for those (i.e. believers against who are not believers) that are fighting against them (and) due to the fact that they (believers) were wronged, surely Allah can grant the believers (believers) the victory.” (Surah Hajj 22:39)
As per the direction of Allah The prophet (S.A.W.) was able to get the commercial routes of Makkah to a halt. To do this the king (S.A.W.) made peace agreements with the Jews and the other tribes in the vicinity. The king (S.A.W.) also had his own group of companions (Sahabah) from times to time to ambush the caravans that traveled along their routes for commerce.
The intention was to warn those who did not believe that Muslims were becoming powerful and that any kind of act against Muslims regardless of whether they were confined to Makkah or who lived in Medinah could pose a threat to their business and livelihood. The non-believers recognized the actual threat posed by the Muslims and, as a consequence, were dissuaded.
In the meantime, Allah, the All Wise, prepared with the Muslims in Medinah to fight the adversaries. Allah provided the Quranic verses to inspire those Muslims to fight according to the path of Allah and teach them methods to fight.
“And fight to the cause of Allah the ones who oppose with you, but don’t cross the bounds. Indeed, Allah likes not the transgressors. You must kill them wherever you spot them and then turn them away from the place they removed you …” ( Surah Al-Baqarah 2:190-191)
The reason for the Battle of Badr:
In Ramadan 2 A.H. (March 624 C.E. ) the prophet (S.A.W.) received information by the Prophet (S.A.W.) that Abu Sufyan (who was still an unbeliever, but later accepted Islam) was on his way to trade with Syria. He was heading towards Makkah with 50 million gold Dinaar protected by 40 men.
When they fled from Makkah In order to escape from Makkah, the Muslims were ordered to surrender all their possessions and wealth. It was believed that the Prophet (S.A.W.) believed that this caravan was an opportunity to return part of the money they had.
They (S.A.W.) summoned his friends and then marched on the main road that leads to Makkah and turned toward Badr. He (S.A.W.) goal was to only take the wealth, and not engage in war. However, Allah The Most High, in His Wisdom and Greatness would have them fight.
However, Abu Sufyan knew that his way was not secure. He was also warned by his companions about his prophet’s (S.A.W.) movement. It immediately dispatched a person to Makkah seeking assistance. The man walked to Makkah and cut off the ears and nose of the camel. He turned the side upside down and cut away his shirt the front as well as back (this was their method to warn enemies) and crying:
‘O Quraish! Your merchandise is at Abu Sufyan. The caravan is blocked from Muhammad and his comrades. I’m not sure what would have occurred to them. Help! Help!’
The disbelievers who were shocked by the news ran to Abu Sufyan’s assistance. They brought with them an enormous army of 1,300 well-equipped soldiers, which included 100 horsemen as well as a huge number of camels to battle the Muslims.
In the meantime, Abu Sufyan changed his direction; he departed towards the principal road which was passing through Medinah toward the Red Sea and thus was far from the Muslims. Once he was completely free of danger and safe, he sent another message to the people of Makkah who were on their way telling them about his escape and inviting them to return. The Makkan army wanted to go to their home, but Abu Jahl, insisted to continue to march until Badr and he said:
“No By Allah! We won’t return until we go to the wells of Badr and slaughter camels, consume alcohol, and have female singers perform for us. In this way, Arabs are always talking about our actions and what we did the day.”
The disbelievers now wanted to insult the Muslims to punish them, and hinder the caravans from stopping at some point in the near future. They marched on towards Badr and set up camp on the banks of the valley.
The story of the caravan’s escape as well as the coming of a large army was reported to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.). It was a shocking announcement, since the tiny inexperienced Muslim army could not stand up to the vast, well-equipped army of the unbelievers.
It was the Prophet (S.A.W.) quickly called for an immediate conference and discussed the issue with his friends. He advised them of the seriousness of the situation and said that it was essential to confront the unbelievers otherwise they could easily conquer Medinah and, if they did, cause destruction. His (S.A.W.) then contacted the Sahabah to give him their suggestions.
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) got revelations from Allah. He did not need him to seek advice from his companions or seek advice from them. However, the practice by Allah’s messenger (S.A.W.) shows an significant characteristic of a Muslim head, i.e. asking for advice and discussing the views from other knowledgeable Muslims. The Muslim leader should not take a the decision solely on his personal opinion. Instead, he should talk to other experienced Muslims to seek their opinion and then take the right decisions.
The Muhajiroon (Muslims who emigrated between Makkah towards Madinah) told the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) to fight with him until his last breath. The first person speaking of his intentions was Abu Bakr (R.A.) and then Umar Ibn al-Khattab (R.A.) and finally al-Miqdad ibn Amr (R.A.) stood up and declared:
“O the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.)! Go where Allah tells you to go as We are there with you. We won’t say, that the people of Israel told Moosa (A.S.), “Go with your Lord, fight and we’ll stay here. Instead, we’ll declare, “Go you and your Lord and fight, and we will fight with you. Thanks to Allah! If you were to send our place in Bark al-Ghimad, we will remain determined to fight its protector until you gain it.”
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) was delighted with the response of the displaced Muslims (Muhajiroon) however, the Muhajiroon comprised only just a tiny portion of the total army.
It was only natural that the Muhajiroon to take on the skeptics of Makkah due to the fact that they were wrongly treated by them and were thrown out of their home and their property. Additionally they Muhajiroon had successfully passed their tests of their faith to Allah and showed their devotion to Muhammad (S.A.W. ) by enunciating their relatives, family members as well as their property and home and relocated to Medinah not frightened of the consequences.
The test of the century was on the part of people who were Ansaar (Muslim people living in Madinah) who had pledged to defend their Prophet (S.A.W.) within their territory (Medinah) and, therefore they were not obligated to fight outside of Medinah. Thus the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) further stated:
“Advise me, my guys!”
This is why He wanted to allow the Ansaar to speak out about their views. On this note, Saad Ibn Muadh (R.A.) stood up and declared:
“By Allah, I feel you’d like for us (the Ansaar) to speak.”
“The prophet (S.A.W.) said:
“Oh, yes!”
Saad (R.A.) said:
“O Messenger of Allah! We believe in you , and we declare to be the authentic messenger of Allah. We affirm that the information you’ve received is the truth. We pledge our firm commitment of dedication and sacrifice. We will abide by you willingly in everything you tell us.
Furthermore, by Allah who has entrusted you with Truth If you want us to go through this sea (Red Sea) we will gladly do so and none of us will be left in the middle… Then we pray that Allah will demonstrate to you with our actions those acts of bravery that will delight your eyes. We ask you to lead us to the battle in the name Allah! Allah!”
Satan makes evil seem fair and makes false promises:
As the unbelievers were preparing to march toward Medinah the the devil (Shaytan) appeared to those who believed in the form of Suraqah Ibn Malik. He made their sinful act of fighting Muslims seem right to them. He encouragered them to participate in the fight by convincing them that no one would be able to defeat them.
“And (remember) the time when Shaytan helped to make their (evil) acts seem fair to them, he said: “No one of mankind could ever defeat you.” …” The Shaytan promised to defend Makkah from enemies even in their absence. He declared, “…and verily, I am your neighbor.” (Surah Anfal 8:48)
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Allah has spoken about the promise of Shaytan,
“He (Shaytan) offers them promises and then arouses their desires in them; and Shaytan’s words are nothing but deceit.” (Surah Nisa 4:120)
It is because of the techniques used by Shaytan that he is able to make false promises to people and leads them to believe that they will be winners both in this life and the future. However, Allah declares that in the day of Judgment,
“Shaytan will announce that the matter is resolved. Truly, Allah promised you a guarantee of truth. Also, I also promised that to you. But I failed you. I did not have any authority to rule over your actions …” as well. Those who believe in the rumors of Shaytan Allah declares, “the dwelling of such (people) is Hell and they will not be able to getting out of it. (See Tafseer Ibn Katheer: Surah Nisa Ayat No. 120 and 121)
A few Muslims Contrast the well-equipped massive army of the unbelievers
The Muslim army was no more than 313-317 people, with the 82-86 Muhajir (the Emigrants from Makkah) and the remaining were Ansaar (residents in Madinah). They were able to ride on two camels and two horses to ride.
The majority of them didn’t have any weapons at all to fight with; some even were equipped with swords, but not bows or arrows, whereas others were equipped with spears however no swords. The army was neither well equipped or well-prepared to fight.
Furthermore the Muslims were elderly, sick, hungry and weak. But awed by the words spoken and the willingness by the friends (Sahaba) to battle the unbelievers, and placing their trust in Allah The prophet (S.A.W.) began to march towards the wells of Badr.
When the Muslims set up camp at Badr the believers sent one of their members, Umar Ibn Wahab Jumani to inquire about the number of people they had and their strength. He found that the Muslims did not exceed 300 men. When he said this, the unbelievers became more arrogant and arrogance and displayed little desire to confront the Muslims.
Utbah Ibn Rabiah stated”Let us return without fighting.’ This means that the small number of Muslims were no match for the massive and well-equipped military of the Makkans. They knew that Sahabah were not brave enough to surrender , and therefore they would fight to the end of time, taking out the most number of polytheists that they could. But, Abu Jahl opposed them and stated his firm intention to take them down no regardless of how small they were!
Ibn Abbas (R.A.) stated: “When the two armies came closer to one another, Allah made the Muslims appear less at the eyes of idolaters, and the idolaters appear less in the eyes of the Muslims. The idolaters claimed:
“These individuals (Muslims) are fooled by their faith.” (Surah Anfal 8:49)
They believed that Muslims were a small minority. They believed, without any doubt that they could defeat those Muslims, Allah said:
“But those who put their trust in Allah is surely, Allah is all-mighty, all-wise.” (Surah Anfal 8:49)
In the evening The Prophet (S.A.W.) had sent Ali Ibn Abi Talib (R.A.) , Az-Zubari Ibn al -Awam (R.A.) as well as Saad Ibn Waqqas (R.A.) in order to seek out the location of the enemy. Two men were observed drinking waters from wells in Badr.
When asked, they acknowledged that they were transporting waters for Makkan’s army. But some of the Companions were satisfied with the answer as they believed that they belonged to Abu Sufyan. The two boys who eventually declared that they were part of Abu Sufyan. After Allah’s messenger (S.A.W.) was told, he responded in anger:
“on being honest you beat them and then, after lying, you released them!”
Then, he (S.A.W.) himself addressed pair of boys. They told the soldiers of their location and leaders. They also told him the fact that they were so massive that they slaughtered 10 camels every day to feed their soldiers. His prophet (S.A.W.) then turned his attention to the Muslims and declared:
“The Quraysh has sent you their most valuable lives.”
Allah’s blessing for people who believe:
Prior to the time that when the Muslims reached Badr the unbelievers were already occupying the elevated area of land, and the Muslims were forced to settle on the sandy area that was low-lying. There was also an area of sandy land. Ibn Abbas (R.A.) said:
“…Muslims were weak, and the Shaytan expressed their anger into their hearts. He scolded them, ‘You claim you are Allah’s defenders and the Messenger of Allah is among you! However, the unbelievers have taken the water resources from your prayers, while you’re for purity! Allah delivered massive rain, allowing Muslims to drink it and use it to purify themselves. Allah also shook Shaytan’s whisper in the sand and also made it hard after rain fell on it. Muslims took to the sand with their animals until they got to the enemy. …”
Then, Allah sent rain as an opportunity for believers to be blessed however, for those who were not believers the rain became an obstacle which prevented their advancement. Allah speaks of this benefit in his Quran:
“…and He caused rain to fall on us from heaven to cleanse you and take away from your life the Rijz (whispering and evil suggestions, etc.) of Shaytan in order to strengthen your heart and to make your feet solid by this.” (Surah Anfal 8:11)
The rain’s blessings gave believers a boost and pushed them to battle the foes of Allah. They felt a sense security. Then Allah granted another blessing to their heads; sleep was a triumph over Muslims and they were able to sleep sound all night long without worry.
“(Remember) that He covered you in a sleeping slumber to secure you against Him …” (Surah Anfal 8:11)
The Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.) was a night-long participant in prayer and supplication.
First Day of the Battle:
In the early morning, Allah Messenger (S.A.W.) invited the followers (Sahabah) to say the prayer, and then they were positioned to fight. The king (S.A.W.) instructed them not to begin fighting until he had given them the order. On the other hand the Quraysh were also preparing for conflict. As the two sides approached one another, Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W.) made a pious suppliation to Allah telling Allah:
“O Allah! The arrogant and proud Quraysh have already come here to disobey You and praising Your Messenger. O Allah! I’m looking forward to Your victory that You promised me. I pray to Allah to beat them (the foes).”
Abu Jahl also prayed saying:
“Our Lord God, whichever of these two parties was more unkind to his family members, and brought us things we don’t know, then kill him today.’ Allah has said in Quran concerning this supplication of Abu Jahl:
“(O people who do not believe) If you are seeking the judgment now, does the judgment befall thee …” (Surah Anfal 8:19)
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Imam Ibn Katheer wrote on the Tafseer of this verse:
Allah says to those who are not believers that if you pray for an opinion (between truth and lies) and a determination on your behalf and those of your faith-based adversaries, you will receive what you wanted.’ This means Allah took their request into consideration and distinguished the true and granted triumph to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W. ).
The fight began when a man belonging to the disbelievers’ group swore that he would drink the water of the water basin of Muslims and then eliminate it or to be killed for it. Hamzah Ibn Abdul Mutallib (R.A.) attacked his leg with a sword, killing him in the basin.
Then three men belonging to the disbelievers Utbah Ibn Rabi’a and the brother of Shaibah as well as his son Al-Waleed, stepped into the open. A group of young Ansaar men also came to the front, but they were stopped by the Quraysh (disbelievers who were from Makkah) shouted that they wanted the heads of their relatives.
They demanded that the Prophet (S.A.W.) was then sent Ubaidah Ibn al-Harith (R.A.) and his father Hamzah (R.A.) as well as his brother Ali Ibn Abi Talib (R.A.) to fight. Hamazah (R.A.) defeated Shaibah while Ali (R.A.) defeated al-Waleed. Ubaidah (R.A.) had been seriously wounded , but Hamzah (R.A.) was able to fall on Utbah to cut his head off.
In this manner during a one-on-one fight, the unbelievers suffered the loss of many brave soldiers. Then, they took the decision to attack Muslims in general. The Muslims were instructed to conduct an offensive war. They prayed to Allah and invoked His help and fought valiantly when they were commanded.
Allah’s Help:
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) constantly was praying to Allah throughout the day and all night. As the battle became important the battle was a must, he (S.A.W.) substituted declaring:
“O Allah! If this particular group (of Muslims) be defeated this moment, You are no longer worshipped.”
It was (S.A.W.) extended his hand and prayed towards Allah till his garment fell from shoulders. Abu Bakr (R.A.) was standing in front of him, grabbed his cloak and put the cloak back onto his shoulders. He declared:
“O the Prophets of Allah! You have cried out for your God. He will surely deliver the promises He made to you.” (Tirmidhi: 3081)
Instantly, Allah responded to the request and He sent Angels to help. Allah affirms:
“(Remember) the time you sought assistance from the assistance of your Lord and He responded with the words, “I will help you with a horde of Angels each following one another in order.” (Surah Anfal 8:9)
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) lifted his head and exclaimed with a loud cheer:
“O Abu Bakr! jolly news is waiting for you. Allah’s victory is near and by Allah I am able to see Jibreel on his horse in the midst of the storm of sand.”
Then, he (S.A.W.) read the following verse:
“Their masses will be put on the run and they will be able to show their faces.” (Surah Qamar 54:45)
Numerous stories speak of appearing of Angels in the battle of Badr. The story is reported in Sahih Muslim # 1763 1763that Ibn Abbas (R.A.) declared:
“While at that time, an Ansaar Muslim from the city of Ansaar was chased by an unbeliever and he heard the whip’s swaying and heard the shout of the horseman saying “Go to Haizum.’ He looked around at the disbelievers who were lying on the ground with his back. The man went to Allah’s messenger (S.A.W.) and shared the story and the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) stated: “You have told the truth. This was the assistance of the Third Heaven.”
A different incident has been reported, in which another person from the Ansaar was captured by Abbas Ibn Abdul Mutalib, who stated: “O Messenger of Allah! Through Allah this man didn’t get me. I was caught by a person who was hairless and had the most beautiful face and was riding the back of a horse.
I don’t see him with the other people. …” A man who was from Ansaar told me: ‘I have captured him the Prophet of Allah!’ He replied: “The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) responded: “Be quite, Allah The All-Powerful, helped you through the assistance of an angel of noble Angel.”
It is also said that, after the battle people would recognize the victims of the Angels and by the wounds on their necks, fingers, and toes. This was because these areas were marked like they were marked by Fire.
Angel Jibreel (A.S.) approached Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W.) and asked him to pick up one handful of dust to throw it towards the foes.
“The prophet (S.A.W.) tossed the dust, saying, “Confusion seize their faces!” A sandstorm of force whipped into the eyes of the enemy and the sand caught the eye of the idolaters. Everyone who was a victim of one of it. It caused them to lose focus, making all of them very busy. Allah says regarding it:
“And the fact is that you (O Mohammed (S.A.W.)) didn’t throw when you did throw , but Allah did throw.” (Surah Anfal 8:17)
which means the sand clump that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) tossing at the unbelievers was not a result of His (S.A.W.) strength and power that it was able to reach the eyes of the pagans who were agitated and active by the throw. It is Allah who should be honored and worshiped for helping to enable the prophet (S.A.W.) to accomplish this feat.
Iblees (Shaytan) Iblees (Shaytan), who was as Suraqah Ibn Malik, saw the Angels helping the Muslims and “… left and declared: “Verily, I have nothing to do with you.” …”
Ibn Abbas said:
On Day of Badr, Shaytan as well as his flag bearers and soldiers, were with the idolaters. He whispered in the hearts of idolaters that ‘No one can beat you on this day, and I’ll be there to assist you.’
As they gathered, Shaytan was able to see Angels arriving to help them as well as they were aided by the Messenger from Allah (S.A.W.) grabbed one handful of sand and tossed it into the idolaters’ faces and caused them to flee. Jibreel U walked toward Shaytan however, when Shaytan held the hand of an Mushrik man when he saw him, removed his hand and fled off with his troops. The man questioned him”O Suraqah! You said that you’re our neighbor.’ He added:
“…Verily I see what you’re seeing and not. Verily, I fear Allah for Allah is severe in punishment.” (Surah Anfal 8:48)
Another wonderful help from Allah was that He put fear and terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. This is the reason, rather than being larger in numbers and having a equipped and armed and weapons, the unbelievers fled the battlefield with amazement.
“(Remember) the time when your Lord spoke to angels to say to say, ‘Verily You are my beloved’ so be firm with the ones who have believed. I’ll wreak terror in heart of the ones who doubted, so hit them with their necks and slash over their toes and fingers.'” (Surah Anfal 8:12)
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Examples of Sahabah’s Bravery, and Devotion:
After Allah declared that He would be able to support, assist, and assist the believers in their fight against their adversaries and enemies, the prophet (S.A.W.) provided a clear direction to against the unbelievers by in reciting the verse:
“And be fast to receive forgiveness from God and also for Paradise as large as the Heavens as well as the Earth.” (Surah Al-Imran 3:133)
Allah said: “O Prophet! Encourage followers to take on the fight. …” the evil one.” The Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.) inspired his followers to fight. The determination and passion for Paradise and determination to take on the enemies of Allah that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) has instilled in his followers can be seen in their actions as Sahabah.
Narrated by Anas Ibn Malik (R.A.), “…The polytheists moved (towards towards us) toward us, in addition, they were advancing towards us. Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) declared: “Rise to enter Paradise that is the same dimensions with that of the Heavens as well as the Earth.” (Sahih Muslim 1901)
Umar Ibn al-Humam Al-Ansari (R.A.) declared: “O Messenger of Allah! Is Paradise as big as both the Heavens or Earth? Earth?” He answered: “Yes.’ Umar said: ‘Excellent! Excellent!’ Excellent!’ Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) requested: “What makes you say “Excellent! Excellent!?
” He added: “O Messenger of Allah I have nothing more than the wish that I be among its inhabitants.” He replied: “You are (surely) one of its inhabitants.” He took a few dates out of his bag and began eating the dates. Then he declared: “If I were to be alive until I’d consumed all the dates I would have the longest life.” (The Narrator says) He put away every date that he carried. Then he took on the enemy until the day he died.” (Sahih Muslim 1901)
Muaadh Ibn Amr (R.A.) A teenager from Ansaar was spotted by Abu Jahl in the battle and hit his leg with such force the leg became severed from his shin. When Ikrimah, daughter of Abu Jahl, saw his father wounded when he saw his father injured, he fell over Muaadh and was close to separating the arm from the shoulder. Muaadh battled all day long with his hanging arm, and when it started giving the fighter more problems then he placed his arm beneath his feet, and then forced it to break.
The death of Abu Jahl, the Pharaoh of this Nation:
Abdur Rahmaan al-Awf (R.A.) said “I was in middle of the fight when two young men, who appeared untrained in fighting, were on the right and one left. One of them spoke in a cryptic voice and asked me to demonstrate to the other Abu Jahl. I inquired about his motives and he responded that the desire was strong to confront Abu Jahl in a combat until they were both killed.
It was an incredible experience. I turned left and one of them expressed the same desire. I immediately pointed the direction they were headed. They both rushed toward Abu Jahl and without hesitation struck him in the face and brought him to the ground. They returned in the direction of Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W. ) Each of them claimed they was the one who killed Abu Jahl. “The prophet (S.A.W.) observed both swords and declared: “You both have killed him.” (Sahih Muslim 1752)
The battle was over. fight, Abdullah Ibn Masud (R.A.) witnessed Abu Jahl at the verge of dying. He placed his hand onto his neck and asked: “Have you seen how Allah has slandered you?
And look at how arrogant this adversary of Allah He responded to Ibn Mas’oud by saying: “I am not disgraced. I’m nothing more than a mortal victim by his own army during battle.” The disbelievers were so afraid that they left their leader and fled the battlefield.
When Ibn Mas’oud was getting ready taking off his hair, he declared: “Cut off my head from the shoulder area so that it appears larger than the heads of the others , and be seen to be the head of the chief’s head.. Ibn Mas’oud took off his head, and then presented it to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W. ) and he was awestruck by Allah after seeing it. It was praised by Allah. (S.A.W.) later stated when he saw the body of his deceased: “This is the Pharaoh of this nation.”

Win for those who believe. Believers:
With the aid of Allah the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) and his companions fought with courage until Quraysh suffered a great loss and left the battlefield. The Quraysh lost their 70 most skilled soldiers and 70 were taken into prison by Muslims. Only 14 Muslims were killed in the conflict:
“And be aware of the times that you were a small number and considered as weak by the people, and were scared that men could abduct you, but God gave you a safe haven for you, bolstered you with His aid, and rewarded you with blessings so that you could be thankful.” (Surah Anfal 8:26)
After the Battle of Badr The Muslims became one powerful nation.
The lessons learned from Battle of Badr:
The Battle of Badr is one of the most significant battles in our history , which teaches that victory is not dependent on numbers or the collection of weapons and shields . It is a matter of ‘victory is a gift from Allah.’
“How often have a tiny group of people beaten a hostile host through Allah’s blessing. Then Allah has been with his patient.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:249)
But, Allah only grants victory to those who trust in Him and place their total faith in Him. Allah provided blessings and assistance to believers during the war of Badr and helped them win over the pagans who doubted their faith only after putting them through a testing! Allah testified the Muslims for 10 months in Makkah and later He tested them once more by giving the command to move to al-Medina leaving all their possessions behind.
It was because of the faith-based trust of those who believed in the Sahabah to Allah that they voluntarily marched toward the battleground, even though they were aware that the unbelievers were coming with a massive army and weapons.
It was their desire for Allah’s delight and Paradise, that they declared: “…We will fight alongside you. Thanks to Allah! If you decide to send our place towards Bark al-Ghimad, we will remain determined to fight its enemies until you have gained it.” After Allah had examined their faith, He made them stand up to their adversaries, and gave the courage to take on against them. Only through the help by Allah and His blessings that the Muslims were able to beat the disbelievers who were three times greater in number and equipped.
However, during the period of Jahiliyyah (ignorance which was the period prior to Islam) These same people were among the most disadvantaged of the human race on the the planet as Imam Ibn Katheer states in the statement from Qatadah Ibn Di’amah As-Sadusi within the Tafseer of Soorah al-Anfal (8:26), Arabs were among the weak, and had the most difficult life with the most empty stomach with the tiniest of skins with the most evident mistakes.
People who were among them were in a state of misery while those who died were taken towards the Fire. They were eaten and were unable to feed others! Thanks to Allah! We don’t know of a single person on the this earth at the time who lived a less exemplary existence than they.
When Allah created Islam to the world, He established it as the dominant religion throughout the world, providing leadership and provisions to them, which hung on top of the shoulders of the people. It was because of Islam which Allah granted everything you see. So, thank Allah for His goodness because Your Lord is the one who accords favors and praises.”
It was because of their smugness that Abrahah struck the city they considered to be their sacred, Makkah, and resolved to demolish the Ka’bah they fled Makkah and fled with their children and wives to the tops of mountains.
However, when they accepted Islam and were adamant about Allah and stayed away from sins, and followed the tenets of Allah’s Messenger Allah created them as the supreme rulers of the earth. They ruled the world in the period of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) and even after his demise. And after his death. Kuffar and his family feared and was feared by the Muslims!
When the Muslims abdicated the path of righteousness and began to commit the sins of their past, Allah, the Exalted God, took His blessings from them and left in a condition of misery. But, even now should we Muslims believed in Allah and trust completely in Him Alone, Allah will assist the Muslims to overcome the Kuffar. It is because of our transgressions that in many areas of the globe Muslims are victimized through the Kuffar and subjected to hardships.
Today, if we demonstrate the willingness to give up our lives and wealth to the cause of Allah and strictly follow the instructions that Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W.), Allah will remove our sufferings and provide us with triumph and supremacy against Kuffar.

Allah says:
“Allah has promised the people among you who believe in Him and do good deeds that are righteous, He will definitely allow them to succeed to (the current rulers) on earth the same way He gave it to the previous rulers were in the past, and He will also allow them to live their faith He has selected for them (i.e. Islam).
In return, He will give the believers security in exchange for their fears (provided) the (believers) respect me and don’t connect any thing (in praise) in worship with me. However, if anyone doubts Me following this, they’re the Fasiqun (rebellious and disobedient in the eyes of Allah).” (Surah Al-Noor 24:55)
Sources from the past
Badr is mentioned in the Qur’an
The Battle of Badr is one of the battles mentioned within the Qur’an. It’s even mentioned within the Sura 3:123 as part of a comparison to that of the Battle of Uhud.
Allah was with you in Badr in the time when you were a disgraceful little force. Then, be thankful to Allah so that you may demonstrate your gratitude. Remember that thou told the faithful: “Is it not enough to you that Allah will assist you by sending 3000 angels (Specially) dropped down? “Yea If you keep your faith and act right, even if your enemy should attack you in a blaze of fury and rage, your Lord will assist you with five thousand angels preparing an incredible assault. The Quran: Sura 3:123-125
As per Yusuf Ali, the term “gratitude” could refer to discipline. In Badr the Muslim forces were said to have kept their discipline in check, but at Uhud they were able to break ranks to pursue Meccans which allowed Meccan cavalry to attack their troops. The concept that Badr being a Furqan the ultimate Islamic miracle is again mentioned within the surah.
“There was already for you a sign in the two armies that fought (in the battle) one was fighting for Allah’s cause, Allah and the other was fighting against Allah and seeing in their own eyes, twice their numbers. However, Allah does support by His help those He wishes. This is a cautionary tale for those with eyes to be able to see. ” In the Quran, Sura 3:13
Badr Also, it is the topic in Sura 8: Al-Anfal, which details military actions and conduct. “Al-Anfal” refers to “the spoils” and refers to the post-battle debate within the Muslim army on how to divide the spoils of that of the Quraishi army. While the Sura doesn’t mention Badr but it does describe the battle and several phrases are considered to have come taken from or soon after the battle.
Traditional Muslim accounts
A majority of information about this battle of Badr comes from the traditional Islamic reports, both biographies and hadiths about Muhammad which were written down years later after the event.
There are many reasons for this. First the fact that a large number of Arabs from in the Arabian Peninsula were not literate in the first place, and oral sources were the primary method of transmitting information. When they were able to tell the story, the Armies of Islam had defeated the more educated Arabs from Syria as well as Iraq in the middle of the war, almost all Quraish were changed to Islam and eliminated any possibility of non-Muslim accounts about the war.
Then, when Muslim Hadith compiling’s compiled in the early days, the original manuscripts were made outdated and destroyed in the Hugh Kennedy called a “depressingly high” rate. In the end there is the fact that the Muslims killed in Badr are considered martyrs by the most religious Muslims and has likely stopped any serious efforts to conduct an archeological excavations at Badr.
Contemporary References
Due to its significance in Muslim historical context and its connotations of winning against all odds, the term “Badr” is becoming popular in both Muslim army and paramilitary organizations. “Operation Badr” was used to refer to Egypt‘s participation as a participant in 1973’s Yom Kippur War as well as Pakistan‘s activities during the year 1999’s Kargil War. In Iraq the armed arm from the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq refers to itself as”the Badr Organization.
The message
The Battle of Badr was featured on the big screen in the movie The Message made by the Syrian born Moustapha Akkad. While the film was remarkably accurate to the events but it also made some noteworthy adjustments.
It was notable that the Quraishi army was shown as having women on board however the women were not present. There were no departures prior to the battle, however during the production Abu Sufyan refused to take part. The champion battle at the front of the wells was comprised of three one-on one fights, instead of a three-on-3 battle.
In addition, since there was no evidence of Muhammad or Ali were presented (though Ali’s sword did get displayed) due to religious considerations, Hamza became the nominal general in the military.
The battle was inspired by the battle of Zulu, with the Quraishi army leading an all-out assault on Muslim lines, which in actual circumstances could have wiped out the army that was smaller.
Two of the soldiers, Amr ibn Hisham and Umayyah were killed in the fight and their deaths marked the end of the battle. The film showed a highly sterilized depiction of their aftermath. It omits the subsequent battle executions and also the Muslim debate about the fate of prisoners.

Important participants
Amr ibn Hisham (Meccan commander murdered)
- Abu Sufyan ibn Harb
- As ibn Sa’id (killed)
- Safwan Ibn Umayah
- Umayah ibn Khalaf (killed)
- Umayr Ibn Wahb
- Uqbah Ibn Abu Mu’ayt (killed)
- Utba Ibn Rabi’ah (killed)
- Walid Ibn Mughira (killed)
- Walid Ibn Utba (killed)
- Nawfal ibn Khuwaylid
- Wahb ibn Umayr (prisoner)
- Muhammad (Muslim commander, Islamic prophet)
- Names in alphabetical order
- Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf
- Abu Bakr (future caliph)
- Abu Hudaifah ibn Utbah
- Ammar ibn Yasir
- Ali ibn Abu Talib (future caliph)
- Bashir Ibn Sa’ad
- Bilal ibn Ribah
- Hamza Ibn Abd Al-Muttalib
- Khabbab ibn al-Aratt
- Khunais ibn Hudhaifa
- Muaaz ibn Amr+ (killed)
- Muawwaz ibn Amr+ (killed)
- Mu’awwadh bin Al-‘Afra (died)
- Obaidah Ibn al-Harith (killed)
- Umar (future caliph)
The aftermath
Inmates and casualties
Al-Bukhari mentions Meccan deaths as being seventy killed and seventy captured. This is about 15%-6 percent in the Quraishi army in the event that the actual number of Meccan troops at Badr was considerably smaller, in which event the proportion of troops who were lost would have been much higher.
Muslim losses are usually reported as 14 killed around 4percent of their fighting forces. The sources don’t provide the number of wounded on either side. The significant discrepancies in the number of casualties on both sides suggest that the battles were extremely short and that the majority all Meccans were killed in the retreat.
During the the combat during the fighting, during the battle, Muslims were able to take a few Meccan Quraish prisoners. Their fate ignited a debate in the Muslim army. Initial concerns were of the Meccan army would rally, as well, and the Muslims could not spare anyone to protect the prisoners.
Sad and Umar were both in favor of murdering the prisoners, however Abu Bakr was in favor of the clemency of prisoners. Muhammad ultimately sided in favor of Abu Bakr, and most prisoners were spared due to clan connections (One was the son of Muhammad’s wife) and a desire to pay ransom, or the expectation that they would change their religion into Islam (in the actuality, many later did).
Two Meccans of high rank, Amr ibn Hisham and Umayyah who were executed after the battle. Two others Quraish who dropped a bucket of excrement from sheep over Muhammad during his time in Mecca were also killed in returning to Medina. When it came to Umayyah his former slave Bilal was so determined to kill him, his companions even killed some of the Muslims who were guarding Umayyah.
Just before leaving Badr, Muhammad also gave the command to more than twenty dead Quraishis to be to be thrown into the well of Badr. Many hadiths reference this incident, and it was believed to be the main cause of anger in those who were Quraish from Mecca. Then, some Muslims who had recently been taken prisoner by the allies of the Meccans were brought to the Meccan city Mecca and executed in retaliation to avenge the defeat.
In the tradition of blood feud (similar to Blood Law) any Meccans who were related to the victims of Badr will feel the need to take revenge on tribe members who killed their family members. For the Muslim side there was the desire for revenge to be strong due to the fact that they were a victim of persecution and tortured by Quraishi Meccans for a long time. But, as generally, Muslims had better treatment for their prisoners, taking the time to place them in Muslim households in Medina.
The Battle of Badr was extremely influential in the growth of two men that could determine the direction of the history of the Arabian Peninsula for the coming century. One of them was Muhammad who transformed in a matter of hours from an ordinary Meccan exile into a leading leader. As per Karen Armstrong, “for years Muhammad was the target of ridicule and insults however, after this stunning and unassailable success, everyone in Arabia should be able to take him seriously.
” Marshall Hodgson adds that Badr made it necessary for all other Arabs to “regard the Muslims as potential challengers and inheritors of the fame and power of the Quraish.” This victory in Badr also enabled Muhammad to strengthen his place in Medina.
In the following days, he exiled the Banu Qaynuqa tribe, one of the Jewish tribes in Medina that was threatening his position in the political arena. In the meantime, Ibn Ubayy, Muhammad’s chief Muslim adversary in Medina was able to see his own position severely weakened. From now on, he’d only be able to launch small challenges to Muhammad.
The second major beneficiary in The other major beneficiary of Battle of Badr was Abu Sufyan. The demise of Amr Ibn Hashim, and a number of other Quraishi nobles, gave Abu Sufyan the opportunity, almost automatically to be the chief for the Quraish.
This meant that when Muhammad was able to march into Mecca after six years it was Abu Sufyan who helped negotiate the peaceful surrender. Abu Sufyan subsequently became a top official of the Muslim Empire, and his son Muawiya would eventually defeat Muhammad’s son-in law Ali and later create Umayyad Caliphate.
In the later years, fighting at Badr was so important in the sense that Ibn Ishaq included a complete list of names and that Muslim Army in his book about Muhammad. In many hadiths, those who participated in the battle of Badr are identified as a formality. they may even have received a stipend during later times.
Suggested Read: The Silk Roads , History of the World, World War I, The Islamic World by Ladan Akbarnia, Nahj al-Balagha, Lost Islamic History, Stranger The History, Realizing Islam, Prophet Muhammad
The demise of the last one of Badr veterans was in the First Islamic civil war. As per Karen Armstrong, one of the most lasting effects of Badr might be the fasting observed during Ramadan that she claims that the Muslims originally began to do to commemorate the victory of Badr. The idea is not widely accepted in the context of tradition-based claims of there was a time when the Muslim troops were fasting when it marched towards the battlefield.
Battle Of Badr
The Battle of Badr
The Battle Of Badr-Notes