The Holy Quran – Similarities Between Bible and Quran
- What do Bible and Quran say “About Jesus”?
In both Quran as well as Bible have both mentioned Jesus and have discussed Jesus while at the same making clear his important role in the world of today as well as the future. It is evident there is a common thread that the Bible and Quran mention Jesus as the ‘Christ’ that God gave to Israel. In addition, both books of religion declare that Jesus was the son of a virgin , and also that she ascended into heaven, and then returned back to the earth after the age.
- Composition of Bible and Quran
The bible and Quran share a strong connection with respect to their respective constituents. Both texts provide details that guide the adherents regarding matters of doctrine, social structure of society that outlines what every person in the community is expected to be doing, as well as laws on various subjects. It is important to know that the laws or statutes mentioned in both texts outline what must be done to those who commit the violation.
- What do Bible and Quran say “About God“?
The Quran and Bible provide holy scriptures that encourage their readers to trust that God whom God created the heavens and earth. According to these two holy texts, God is the creator of all, so every person must be devoted to and trust in Him since He is the creator and creator of all life. Also on the day of the judgment, God will call everybody to be accountable for their wrongdoings, and a punishment will be imposed to everyone who is a sinner.
- Sin and Forgiveness in Bible and Quran
Both the Quran as well as the Bible contain specific commands which all believers in God must adhere to and adhere to in full. However, some individuals in the course of their omissions or commissions commit actions that are deemed as being in contradiction to what God requires. But, if one admits their sins, they are forgiven, because God is merciful and is awed by His people who are His own creation.
- Structure of Bible and Quran
They are alike in their structure. While they aren’t identified as having the same titles they are both similar in their composition. Bible as well as the Quran contain a specific amount of books that are separated into chapters and chapters are separated into verses. It is important to note that each section contains its message, and it can be believed that these books, that make up the Bible as well as the Quran were written in different times in the past.
- Holy Spirit Bible and Quran
It is evident in both Bible as well as Quran that God created Holy Spirit to aid humanity face the challenges that humans will likely face throughout the world. Additionally, God demonstrates Himself to individuals through the Holy Spirit occasionally so that He will help them understand and interpret certain circumstances that could hinder them from achieving their goals and goals. People get strengthened when they are able to use the gifts and fruits that come from Holy Spirit.

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Alasad Online Quran Tutor is an Online Quran Academy, which Provides online Islamic and Quranic Teachings to the Muslim and The New Muslims students across the world. . As a growing Online Quran academy we offer very superior class online The Holy Quran teaching to every student. Our Quran teaching includes the courses in which students are taught how to learn the Holy Quran. Please Contact Via WhatsApp +923017363500 Gmail:[email protected] Thanks |

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