Quran Word by Word Translation: Unlock the Deep Meaning of Quranic Verses with Precise Word-for-Word Translations” Even though there are numerous translations of the meanings of the Qur’an, they do now not assist the reader in linking the Arabic phrases to their meanings.
The most effective purpose of this word-for-phrase translation is to facilitate studying the language of the Qur’an. Even though a few phrase-for-word translations exist but the layout of the present work isn’t like them. Below you’ll locate the motives why:
- The meaning of each phrase is given right under it;
- The translation supplied inside the left column is saved near the Arabic and now not literal. The goal of the whole workout is to permit the reader recognize at once from Arabic;
- In the field supplied at the bottom of every page, meanings of those words are furnished which may seem tough to apprehend or which has different familiar or useful bureaucracy. In essence the container is there to help the reader equip the brand new Arabic word without difficulty and set up its link with the ones words with which he is acquainted. A small variety is positioned in the English cell (i.E., the small boxes containing English translations of every Arabic phrase) of those phrases for which clarification is supplied at the bottom;
- Last, however not the least, the format is such that it may also be used for everyday recitation enabling consistent revision.

Below are some translations of the Quran:
Click Here To Find out :
- The Story of The Qur’an
- Textual Criticism and Qur’an Manuscripts
- Quran French, The Quran: English Translation
- Quran Read Pen with Multi Language translation
- Online Quran Teacher For Kids & Color Coded Quran
- Tracing Quran (1-30) , The Noble Quran (Vol 1-Vol 30)
- The Clear Quran, El Coran & The Essential Book of Quranic Words
- In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.01 – 18 (Juz’ ‘Amma) by Sayyid Qutb
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram