Eating And Drinking in Islam – Learn Islam

Eating And Drinking – Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is deemed as the ultimate messenger and the Prophet of Islam. As a end result, his teachings and behavior of lifestyles serve for example for generations till the day of judgment. Prophet Muhammad was a man of tremendous dignity, purity, and humbleness, who laid out traits of a perfect function model in all spheres of existence and the afterlife.

The characteristics and movements of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are coined as Sunnah, and they serve as a entire manual for a a hit, peaceful, and effective lifestyles. In addition, following the Sunnah’s additionally increases the bonds between Muslim people and their author- Allah. As Muslims follow the footsteps of Allah’s beloved final prophet.

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What are the Sunnah of Eating and Drinking?

Eating And Drinking – The behavior of eating and ingesting tells lots approximately someone. Their manner of eating describes their stage of cleanliness and business enterprise, at the same time as what they devour elaborates on their health and nicely-being. Whilst following in keeping with Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah on ingesting ingesting, Muslims can present themselves as easy, prepared, and healthy.

20 – Say the call of Allah earlier than eating and consuming

Prophet Muhammad constantly recalled the call of his writer earlier than consuming or ingesting, and his followers have to observe along the identical traces. This is because, if an character does no longer adopt this behavior, his/her food will lose the barakah of their meals due to the fact Satan turns into a part of the meal. Hence, saying the name of Allah is crucial earlier than eating and drinking in keeping with Sunnah. I would also suggest which you undergo these Most Beautiful Sunnah To Follow In Daily Life.

19 – Eat and drink with proper hand

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) continually ate and drank together with his right hand. This is due to the fact, bad radiations are emitted from the left hand, and Satan eats and liquids from the left hand as properly.

18 – Drink at the same time as sitting and in three gulps

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) usually drank water while sitting, and in three gulps. The reason for this is that sitting down and drinking in 3 gulps prevents choking. Adding on, it is tested that science that consuming water in 3 gulps increases the fitness of individuals, whilst unmarried breath ingesting ends in choking.

17 – Cover the glass of consuming water

The remaining messenger of Allah made it a habit to cowl up the glass or water storage after ingesting. Similarly, Muslims the world over are recommended to observe along those traces, due to the fact that following this step will prevent water contamination. As a end result, humans will not get diseases associated with unhygienic water.

16 – Pass the dish to individuals sitting on the right

This became a practice followed via the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and it guarantees table etiquette. During massive gatherings with own family participants and pals, rotating between the dishes can end up a perplexing and tough task. Hence, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) handed the precedent that, human beings need to give up dishes to the person in the direction of their right so one can easily rotate the dishes.

15 – Drink the water of ZamZam

The water of ZamZam has a sturdy affiliation with Islam and is a country of getting numerous health blessings. Hence, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to drink ZamZam, however he carried out this action while status up. Accordingly, Muslims are devised to do the same.

14 – Eating on the floor

It is narrated that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to consume on the ground. In this manner, the class difference became sidestepped, as anybody ate at the ground including slaves. Hence, this Sunnah promotes equality and need to be followed via all Muslims.

13 – Avoiding overeating

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) avoided overeating and encouraged his fans to do the identical. Overeating will increase health troubles, ends in laziness, and reduces the quantity of meals consumed via poor individuals. Hence, this Sunnah ought to be employed by means of Muslim individuals the world over.

12 – Avoid losing food

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did now not waste or discard food. Instead, he most effective purchased the required amount and donated the rest to his poor followers. Wasting food now not only discredits Allah’s advantages however additionally decreases the quantity of meals to be had for bad people.

11 – Licking your arms

The ultimate messenger of Allah usually licked his hands after ingesting to benefit all of the blessings and vitamins from the food. Cleaning arms with a material could dispose of those blessings

10 – Wiping of dishes

The ultimate messenger of Allah made it a dependancy to wipe his dishes after consuming. In this way, all of the blessings and vitamins from the meals may be obtained.

9 – Praise Allah after eating

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) constantly praised Allah after consuming his meals. In this manner, the issuer of the food turned into thanked, and his followers were advised to comply with in his footsteps.

8 – Don’t criticize food

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) never criticizes the food. If he did no longer love it, he would just leave it. Since criticism challenged the creator or became hurtful for the individuals bringing the food.    

7 – Compliment tasty meals

The last messenger of Allah might usually praise tasty meals. In this way, the writer changed into praised, and the individuals that delivered it’d become satisfied too. 

6 – Accept meal invitations

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would by no means reject meal invitations, as they growth concord and reinforce relationships. Similarly, his followers had been devised to do the identical. Inarguably, sharing food strengthens relationships and friendships.

5 – Eating from the front

The ultimate messenger of Allah could constantly eat from his the front, so as to illustrate table manners and save you creating a multitude. Eating from the the front permits for eating with manners, for this reason, Muslims should comply with alongside the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

4 – Sharing meals

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) usually shared his meals with his partners and urged his Ummah to do the identical. This idea increases harmony between human beings.

3 – Prohibition of drinking water in gold of silver vessel

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) drank water from all vessels aside from gold and silver, it symbolized oppression and luxury.

2 – Eating dates

Dates had been actively ate up through Prophet Muhammad (SAW) due to their fitness advantages. Hence, his followers should eat dates as properly.

1 – Eating lentils

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) actively consumed lentils as well. They are low in ldl cholesterol and increase digestive fitness. Hence, they need to be consumed through all individuals of the Ummah.

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Drinking Manners

Eating And Drinking – The Prophet ﷺ has similarly informed us of the etiquette for ingesting water. He said, “Do not drink in one gulp like a camel, however in or 3. Mention the Name of Allah whilst you start drinking and praise Him after you have got completed.” (Tirmidhi) As this hadith makes clear, we have to drink water in a relaxed and an unhurried manner.

We have to explicit our gratitude to Allah by way of reciting Bismillah (In the call of Allah) earlier than consuming, and announcing Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) afterwards.

It is quality to keep away from ingesting or consuming at the same time as status, as Anas said, “The Prophet ﷺ forbade us from consuming while standing.” Qatadah said:

 “We requested him [Anas], ‘What approximately consuming?’ He stated, ‘That is even worse, more detestable.’” (Muslim) 

Although there are reports that the Prophet ﷺ did drink water whilst standing, this regarded to be the case simplest in situations where sitting became no longer a feasible option, including consuming water next to the zamzam nicely.

Eating And Drinking – Purity is an fundamental part of faith, and the idea of purity is incomplete with out hygiene. For this purpose, as Ibn Abbas suggested, “The Prophet  prohibited us from respiratory into the consuming vessel or blowing into it.” (Tirmidhi) The Prophet ﷺ additionally forbade raising a water-pores and skin (or a water bottle), from which distinctive humans drink, to at least one’s mouth for drinking; rather, the water need to be poured right into a vessel.

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Recite Dua After Eating

Eating And Drinking – Islam teaches us to be grateful for the items bestowed upon us. Consequently, it’s miles a sunnah to recite a prayer earlier than and after meals. We recognize the advantages given earlier than and after food. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ taught us to recite dua after eating:

Narrated Mu’adh ibn Anas:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: If all people eats food and then says: “Praise be to Allah who has fed me with this food and provided me with it through no would possibly and strength on my element,” his former and later sins could be forgiven. [Narrated by Abi Dawud]

Not most effective is it just gratitude for favors, however even individuals who recite the prayer are forgiven for his or her sins. So here he gets virtues; to fill his belly and be forgiven for sins.

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